North Korea Hyang-Ok Ri

Ri Hyang-Ok

Born:18-Dec-771977-12-18Football Referee Age: 47
Referee Since:
Referee FIFA Since:2006 WCW15 WCW19

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playerPTCristiano Ronaldo4.5 (421)
coachEnglandLivermore5.0 (11)
coachEnglandLivermore5.0 (11)
coachEnglandLivermore5.0 (11)
coachITBrocchi4.3 (9)

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List of games of referee Ri Hyang-Ok in Womens World Cup 2015

Games on database
    04-Jul-15World Cup fifa Third Place Match - M.7Germany 0:1 England 293
1     21483
Matchday 6
Matchday 5
    20-Jun-15World Cup fifa Round of 16 - M.4Germany 4:1 Sweden 213
1     22486
    15World Cup fifa Group A - M.3Nth lands 1:1 Canada 192
Matchday 2
    08World Cup fifa Group D - M.1Sweden 3:3 Nigeria 18

* Penalties given, not necessarily scored