England England players

UEFA - Europe

Last Visitors Ratings:
match Portsmth - Leeds5.0 (1)
playerPTCristiano Ronaldo4.5 (421)
coachEnglandLivermore5.0 (11)
coachEnglandLivermore5.0 (11)
coachEnglandLivermore5.0 (11)

Wales Wales 303
Scotland Scotland 219
IE Ireland 48
AU Australia 47
Northen Ireland Northern Ireland 35
NZ New Zealand 20
ES Spain 19
IT Italy 18
DE Germany 15
CA Canada 14
BE Belgium 14
FI Finland 14
FR France 10
IN India 10
IS Iceland 10
TR Turkey 9
SE Sweden 9
CY Cyprus 8
DK Denmark 8
PT Portugal 8
NL Netherlands 7
SA Saudi Arabia 6
HU Hungary 6
NO Norway 6
GI Gibraltar 5
GR Greece 5
SG Singapore 4
CH Switzerland 4
AT Austria 4
UA Ukraine 3
PL Poland 3
SI Slovenia 3
HR Croatia 2
NG Nigeria 2
HK Hong Kong 2
TH Thailand 2
XK Kosovo 2
ZA South Africa 1
RO Romania 1
KZ Kazakhstan 1
JP Japan 1
PS Palestine 1
MX Mexico 1
PR Puerto Rico 1
KR South Korea 1
MT Malta 1
SK Slovakia 1
CR Costa Rica 1
KH Cambodia 1
JO Jordan 1
LT Lithuania 1

For a list of foreigners playing in this country please select tournament and go to Stats

NamePosFull NameTeam
Coffey, AFW STAshley CoffeyAC Oulu
LanquedocMF RM / BXImani Jamal LanquedocFC Haka
BristerDF WD / LMAlex BristerFC Honka
Lyons-FosterDF CB / DMBrooklyn Lyons FosterHJK
HopcuttFW Jamie HopcuttMariehamn
Reid, Jayden (2001apr)FW LWJayden Andrew ReidMariehamn
JervisFW STJake Mario JervisKuPS
ArabaFW STHakeem ArabaPS Kemi
GilliganMF AM / RMRyan GilliganPS Kemi
IonsFW LW / STBilly IonsSeinäjoki
O'Brien, DannyMF WM / BXDanny O BrienSeinäjoki
CleaverMF BXChristopher CleaverTPS
CicaleMF LMAlfie CicaleVPS
Reid, TDF RB / RMTyler ReidVPS

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