ME Montenegro players

UEFA - Europe

Last Visitors Ratings:
match Portsmth - Leeds5.0 (1)
playerPTCristiano Ronaldo4.5 (421)
coachEnglandLivermore5.0 (11)
coachEnglandLivermore5.0 (11)
coachEnglandLivermore5.0 (11)

YU Serbia 48
BA Bosnia and Herzegovina 21
DE Germany 13
AL Albania 13
HU Hungary 10
IT Italy 9
CZ Czech Rep. 7
CY Cyprus 6
RU Russia 6
ES Spain 6
HR Croatia 6
MT Malta 5
XK Kosovo 5
RO Romania 5
AM Armenia 4
SI Slovenia 4
AZ Azerbaijan 4
LV Latvia 4
LU Luxembourg 4
KZ Kazakhstan 3
UZ Uzbekistan 3
BE Belgium 3
GR Greece 3
BG Bulgaria 3
FR France 3
SE Sweden 3
LT Lithuania 3
CH Switzerland 3
TR Turkey 3
IN India 3
MV Maldives 2
UA Ukraine 2
MY Malaysia 2
BY Belarus 2
AT Austria 2
MK North Macedonia 2
PT Portugal 2
TH Thailand 1
England England 1
NL Netherlands 1
SA Saudi Arabia 1
NO Norway 1
PL Poland 1
CN China, PR 1
QA Qatar 1
DK Denmark 1
MD Moldova 1
ID Indonesia 1
GE Georgia 1
KG Kyrgyzstan 1
HK Hong Kong 1
KR South Korea 1
MX Mexico 1
SG Singapore 1
FI Finland 1
BT Bhutan 1

For a list of foreigners playing in this country please select tournament and go to Stats

NamePosFull NameTeam
Sabotic, MDF CBMinel SaboticCarrarese
Adžić, VasilijeMF AMVasilije AdzicJuve U23
MarušićYUDF RB / LBAdam MarusicLazio
KrstovicFW STNikola KrstovicLecce
HadžiosmanovićITMF RM / RBCristian HadziosmanovicPineto
Ahmetaj, MFW STMatteo AhmetajRecan.ese
CicarevicMF AMSasa CicarevicRimini
Raičević FFW STFilip RaicevicTaranto
Bajic, SITDF RBStefan BajicTriestina

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