UA Ukraine players

UEFA - Europe

Last Visitors Ratings:
refereeEnglandHooper1.2 (350)
coachNLde Jong, H3.0 (1)
coachESCalle5.0 (4)
coachESCalle5.0 (4)
coachESCalle5.0 (4)

MD Moldova 47
PL Poland 39
BY Belarus 35
HU Hungary 31
RU Russia 31
KZ Kazakhstan 21
DE Germany 20
AM Armenia 18
LT Lithuania 18
LV Latvia 17
BG Bulgaria 15
EE Estonia 11
GE Georgia 10
UZ Uzbekistan 10
England England 9
TR Turkey 9
IT Italy 9
AZ Azerbaijan 8
BE Belgium 7
SK Slovakia 7
CZ Czech Rep. 6
ES Spain 6
HR Croatia 5
CY Cyprus 5
GR Greece 5
RO Romania 4
TJ Tajikistan 4
PT Portugal 4
SI Slovenia 4
FR France 3
Scotland Scotland 3
IL Israel 3
YU Serbia 3
IE Ireland 3
KG Kyrgyzstan 3
CA Canada 2
NL Netherlands 2
SE Sweden 1
NO Norway 1
BD Bangladesh 1
IS Iceland 1
IR Iran 1
ID Indonesia 1
BA Bosnia and Herzegovina 1
FO Faroe Islands 1
LB Lebanon 1
SA Saudi Arabia 1
CH Switzerland 1

For a list of foreigners playing in this country please select tournament and go to Stats

NamePosFull NameTeam
PlyushchMF BX / DMRoman PlyushchGorica
FesyukGK Davyd FesyukHajduk
RusynFW ST / LWNazariy RusynHajduk
LyopaMF AM / WMDmytro LyopaOsijek
ZaverukhaGK Ivan ZaverukhaRudeš

List generated automaticaly.
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