Sudan Salaheldin Adil

Salaheldin Adil Ahmed Al Hassan

Born:03-Apr-95 Age: 29
Fav.foot: Right

Position: Defensive midfielder
Al Hilal Omdurman Sudan

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Last Visitors Ratings:
playerEnglandBellingham4.0 (10)
playerBRRaphinha3.6 (8)
refereeITCorletto5.0 (2)
match O. Caldas - Millos2.0 (1)
coachITBrocchi5.0 (5)


Statistics for Salaheldin Adil

Lineups not confirmed are not included.

The fields shows the games loaded in the database.

X: Average
x: Starting
.: Substitute
o: Yellow dots are team default formation

FW: 12 = Twelve times in Starting Lineup as Forward

SD Sudan (National Team)
TournamentLineupsThis player+
Africa World Cup Qualifiers 202283--
Arab Cup 202133--
African Nations Championship 202221--
Africa World Cup Qualifiers 202643--
SD Al Hilal Omdurman
TournamentLineupsThis player+
CAF Champions League 2021/202265--
CAF Champions League 2023/202466--
CAF Champions League 2024/202565--