Spain Laia García

Laia Garcia Dalmases

es   l'aIa QarT'i;a
Born:19-Dec-00 Age: 24

Position: Goalkeeper
Levante Las Planas Spain

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Last Visitors Ratings:
match Getafe - A.Madrid3.0 (1)
coachITBrocchi5.0 (6)
My Line-upArsenal by salim
My Line-upChelsea by Nhyiraba k.B
playerEnglandBellingham4.0 (10)


Statistics for Laia García

Lineups not confirmed are not included.

The fields shows the games loaded in the database.

X: Average
x: Starting
.: Substitute
o: Yellow dots are team default formation

FW: 12 = Twelve times in Starting Lineup as Forward

ESPrimera División Femenina 2023/2024

Team             Lineups postedThis player
Levante Las Planas30 2
GK: 1
Subst: 1