Brazil Leandro, Montera

Leandro Montera da Silva

AKAs:Leandro Da Silva, Lea, Mon-chan
pt   l,e'&~Nd*U
Born:12-Feb-85 Age: 40
Fav.foot: Right

Position: Striker
Tokyo Verdy Brazil

Rate this player ( 2 votes ) :

Last Visitors Ratings:
playerBRRaphinha3.6 (8)
refereeITCorletto5.0 (2)
match O. Caldas - Millos2.0 (1)
coachITBrocchi5.0 (5)
coachITBrocchi5.0 (5)


Statistics for Leandro

Lineups not confirmed are not included.

The fields shows the games loaded in the database.

X: Average
x: Starting
.: Substitute
o: Yellow dots are team default formation

FW: 12 = Twelve times in Starting Lineup as Forward

1 times in our
visitors favorites
X : Math Average
. : Users choice
JP Kashiwa Reysol
TournamentLineupsThis player+
J-League 2014342811-
Suruga Bank Cup 201411-1
AFC Champions League Qualifying 20151111
AFC Champions League 201510521
J-League 2015341441
QA Al-Rayyan SC
TournamentLineupsThis player+
AFC Champions League 2012651-
QA Al-Sadd SC
TournamentLineupsThis player+
AFC Champions League 2010665-
AFC Champions League 2011127--
JP Gamba Osaka
TournamentLineupsThis player+
AFC Champions League 20097610-
J-League 2009886-
J-League 20123415--
JP Vissel Kobe
TournamentLineupsThis player+
J-League 200831237-
J-League 201534124-
J-League 2016343119-
J-League Cup 2016442-
J-League 2017341--
J-League 2018342--