Spain Miguel Tena

Miguel Angel Tena Garcia

es   miQ'El t'ena
Born:17-Jan-82 Age: 43
Fav.foot: Right
Is also a Coach: Coach Profile

Position: Centre-back
Racing de Ferrol Spain

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Last Visitors Ratings:
coachCHWicky3.0 (1)
coachDEPfeiffer4.8 (23)
coachDEPfeiffer4.8 (23)
coachDEPfeiffer4.8 (23)
coachDEPfeiffer4.8 (23)


Statistics for Miguel Tena

Lineups not confirmed are not included.

The fields shows the games loaded in the database.

X: Average
x: Starting
.: Substitute
o: Yellow dots are team default formation

FW: 12 = Twelve times in Starting Lineup as Forward

ES Levante
TournamentLineupsThis player+
Copa del Rey 2008/200911--
ES Villarreal
TournamentLineupsThis player+
La Liga 2003/2004381--
ES Córdoba CF
TournamentLineupsThis player+
Copa del Rey 2010/201142--
Segunda División 2010/201141334-
Segunda División 2011/20124421--
Copa del Rey 2011/201265--
Segunda División 2012/2013424--
Copa del Rey 2012/201362--
ES Elche CF
TournamentLineupsThis player+
Segunda División 2009/20104222--
ES CD Lugo
TournamentLineupsThis player+
Segunda División 2012/201342121-
Segunda División 2013/2014422--
Copa del Rey 2013/201411--