Bolivia Rodríguez, H

Hernan Luis Rodriguez Rodriguez

es-la   RR2OD**'iQEs
Born:15-Sep-96 Age: 28
Fav.foot: Left

Position: Defensive midfielder
San Antonio Bulo Bulo Bolivia

Rate this player ( 1 votes ) :

Last Visitors Ratings:
linesmanEnglandMatadar5.0 (2)
playerHRModrić4.4 (60)
playerFRMbappé4.3 (43)
playerUYValverde4.7 (3)
playerBRVinícius Jr4.3 (6)


Statistics for Rodríguez

Lineups not confirmed are not included.

The fields shows the games loaded in the database.

X: Average
x: Starting
.: Substitute
o: Yellow dots are team default formation

FW: 12 = Twelve times in Starting Lineup as Forward

BO Bolivar
TournamentLineupsThis player+
Copa Libertadores 201861--
Copa Sudamericana 201821--
Copa Libertadores 201922--
Copa Libertadores 202143--
Copa Sudamericana 202163--
BO Guabirá
TournamentLineupsThis player+
División Profesional 20233211--
BO Royal Pari Fútbol Club
TournamentLineupsThis player+
Copa Sudamericana 202222--
BO Real Tomayapo
TournamentLineupsThis player+
División Profesional 2023323--
Copa de la División Profesional 2023101--
BO Gualberto Villarroel San José
TournamentLineupsThis player+
División Profesional 202452--