Wales Roper

Josh Roper

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coachEnglandMcIntyre, C5.0 (1)
playerEnglandHeaven3.0 (1)
playerARGarnacho5.0 (2)
playerDKHøjlund3.3 (3)
playerPTBruno Fernandes4.1 (8)

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List of games of linesman Roper

Games on database
    19-Oct-24Welsh Cup Second Round - M.1Llnwchlyn 0:0 Newtown 2Wilding     327
    06Adran Premier League - M.4Aberystwy 1:3 Wrexham 2Harman     121
    22-Sep-24Adran Premier League - M.2Swansea 0:0 Barry 2Williams     721
    17Welsh Lge Cup Third Round - M.3Aberystwy 3:2 Llandudno 2Pratt     175
    20-Jul-24Welsh Lge Cup First Round - M.1Carmathen 2:1 Cambrian 2Randall     221
    07-Apr-24Adran Premier Championship - M.20Aberystwy 0:0 Swansea 2Williams     140
    03Adran Premier Championship - M.16Swansea 1:1 Aberystwy 2Bevan     133
    27-Mar-24Adran Premier Championship - M.18Aberystwy 0:2 Wrexham 1Cook     172
    01-Feb-24Adran Premier League - M.11Aberystwy 4:0 Card Met 2Bevan     ?
    14-Oct-23Welsh Cup Second Round - M.1Havfdwest 0:0 Baglan 2Richards, T     306
    17-Sep-23Adran Premier League - M.1Aberystwy 3:0 Barry 2Kenny     105
    22-Aug-23Welsh Lge Cup First Round - M.1Carmathen 0:4 Swansea 2Markham-Jones     957
    05Welsh Lge Cup Second Round - M.2Newtown 1:1 Guilsfild 2Pratt     ?

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