Japan Nishihashi

Isao Nishihashi

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List of games of linesman Nishihashi

Games on database
    09-Nov-24J1-League M.36Tosu 1:2 YokohamaM 1Iida     9479
    03J1-League M.35Hiroshima 0:1 Kyoto 1Ikeuchi     26521
    19-Oct-24J1-League M.34Kashiwa 1:1 Machida 1Koya     13895
    27-Sep-24J1-League M.32Kawasaki 5:1 Niigata 1Nakamura     20142
    13J1-League M.30YokohamaM 1:2 Kyoto 1Nishimura     10679
    31-Aug-24J1-League M.29Tosu 1:2 Shonan 1Iida     10097
    25J1-League M.28Niigata 0:0 Machida 1Mikuriya     18588
    17J1-League M.27Kashima 0:0 Urawa 1Mikuriya     33295
    11J1-League M.26YokohamaM 1:2 Kobe 1Kimura     30419
    07J1-League M.25G Osaka 0:0 FC Tokyo 1Imamura, Y     19298
    14-Jul-24J1-League M.23YokohamaM 4:1 Kashima 1Kawamata     31463
    06J1-League M.22Urawa 2:3 Shonan 1Ueda     16787
    30-Jun-24J1-League M.21C Osaka 2:1 Nagoya 1Yamamoto     16400
    26J1-League M.20Kyoto 2:2 Kashiwa 1Fukushima     6569
    22J1-League M.19Shonan 0:1 FC Tokyo 1Kimura     11533
    01J1-League M.17Kyoto 1:1 C Osaka 1Kasahara     14160
    29-May-24J1-League M.9YokohamaM 4:0 Kashiwa 1Takasaki     14732
    26J1-League M.16Urawa 1:2 Machida 1Stegemann     39460
    15J1-League M.14Hiroshima 1:3 Kashima 1Yamamoto     25302
    11J1-League M.13Kawasaki 3:0 Sapporo 1Kawamata     20611
    06J1-League M.12Kobe 3:2 Niigata 1Araki     21073
    27-Apr-24J1-League M.10Iwata 2:0 Machida 1Shimizu, H     12982
    12J1-League M.8Kashiwa 1:0 Urawa 1Fukushima     14201
    06J1-League M.7Sapporo 1:0 G Osaka 1Kamimura     10827
    03J1-League M.6Tosu 0:0 Kobe 1Nishimura     6734
    30-Mar-24J1-League M.5Niigata 1:1 Kashiwa 1Yamashita     20359
    26Qualif WC fifa 2nd Round - Group H - M.4Bahrain 3:0 Nepal 1Tanimoto     2475
    21Qualif WC fifa 2nd Round - Group A - M.3Qatar 3:0 Kuwait 1Iida     9826
    17J1-League M.4Kashima 2:1 Kawasaki 1Nakamura     24947
    01J1-League M.2YokohamaM 0:1 Fukuoka 1Tanimoto     19487
    24-Feb-24J1-League M.1Iwata 0:2 Kobe 1Kawamata     14778
    25-Nov-23J1-League M.33YokohamaC 0:1 Shonan 1Nakamura     13624
    11J1-League M.32Niigata 0:0 FC Tokyo 1Yamashita     23223
    27-Oct-23J1-League M.31Nagoya 1:1 Tosu 1Shimizu, H     11736
    29-Sep-23J1-League M.29Urawa 1:1 YokohamaC 1Imamura, Y     22379
    03J1-League M.26FC Tokyo 1:2 Fukuoka 1Fukushima     16068
    26-Aug-23J1-League M.25Kashiwa 0:0 Hiroshima 1Ueda     9874
    18J1-League M.24Urawa 1:0 Nagoya 1Ikeuchi     32578
    06J1-League M.22Kashima 3:0 Sapporo 1Koya     17503
    15-Jul-23J1-League M.21YokohamaM 0:1 Kawasaki 1Al-Marri     42772
    07J1-League M.20Niigata 0:1 Kobe 1Fukushima     26519
    24-Jun-23J1-League M.18FC Tokyo 2:0 Nagoya 1Mikuriya     28636
    10J1-League M.17Tosu 1:1 Sapporo 1Imamura, Y     7774
    28-May-23J1-League M.15C Osaka 2:0 YokohamaC 1Iida     14304
    12J1-League M.13FC Tokyo 2:1 Kawasaki 1Nishimura     56705
    06J1-League M.12Nagoya 1:0 G Osaka 1Yamamoto     28613
    22-Apr-23J1-League M.9Kobe 2:3 YokohamaM 1Imamura, Y     22164
    15J1-League M.8Urawa 4:1 Sapporo 1Mikuriya     38574
    01J1-League M.6Kyoto 0:3 Kobe 1Nakamura     16495
    18-Mar-23J1-League M.5G Osaka 2:2 Sapporo 1Bramall     18550
    11J1-League M.4Niigata 1:0 Kawasaki 1Iida     26397
    04J1-League M.3YokohamaC 1:3 Kashima 1Iida     10637
    05-Nov-22J1-League M.34Kobe 1:3 YokohamaM 1Nakamura     22949
    12-Oct-22J1-League M.25FC Tokyo 4:0 C Osaka 1Shimizu, H     12449
    08J1-League M.32Sapporo 1:2 Fukuoka 1Sato     14202
    01J1-League M.31Tosu 0:1 Kyoto 1Ikeuchi     8953
    03-Sep-22J1-League M.28Kashima 2:2 Urawa 1Kasahara     20664
    31-Aug-22J1-League M.24Fukuoka 0:1 G Osaka 1Okabe     4266
    30-Jul-22J1-League M.23Sapporo 2:2 Nagoya 1Imamura, Y     7802
    16J1-League M.22Shimizu 1:2 Urawa 1Fukushima     11776
    10J1-League M.21C Osaka 2:2 YokohamaM 1Nishimura     10729
    02J1-League M.19Kashiwa 1:2 Kashima 1Kasahara     12462
    26-Jun-22J1-League M.18Tosu 5:0 FC Tokyo 1Tanimoto     7917
    25-May-22J1-League M.15Kobe 0:0 Iwata 1Tanimoto     10020
    14J1-League M.13Iwata 2:1 FC Tokyo 1Imamura, Y     11725
    07J1-League M.12YokohamaM 2:1 Nagoya 1Sato     22178
    01-Apr-22J1-League M.6Fukuoka 0:0 Tosu 1Ikeuchi     7993
    18-Mar-22J1-League M.5YokohamaM 0:0 Tosu 1Kimura     6689
    06J1-League M.3G Osaka 2:2 Kawasaki 1Yamamoto     12703
    26-Feb-22J1-League M.2C Osaka 1:1 Kyoto 1Shimizu, H     9766
    19J1-League M.1Nagoya 2:0 Kobe 1Tanimoto     18681
    12J-Supercup Final - Kawasaki 0:2 Urawa 1Kasahara     18558
    06-Apr-21J1-League M.8YokohamaM 1:0 C Osaka 1Nakamura     7980
    21-Mar-21J1-League M.6Tokushima 2:1 YokohamaC 1Sato     5180
    17J1-League M.5Hiroshima 1:0 Shimizu 1Ikeuchi     4145
    14J1-League M.4YokohamaM 3:0 Urawa 1Sato     4864
    10J1-League M.3FC Tokyo 2:3 Kobe 1Iida     4707
    27-Feb-21J1-League M.1Kobe 1:0 G Osaka 1Sato     4636
    15-Aug-20J1-League M.10Sapporo 1:6 Kawasaki 1Kimura     4601
    08J1-League M.9YokohamaM 1:1 Kashiwa 1Kimura     4988
    12-Jul-20J1-League M.4Tosu 0:0 Hiroshima 1Fukushima     2694
    08J1-League M.3Nagoya 2:2 G Osaka 1Yamamoto     closed
    04J1-League M.2Oita 2:0 Tosu 1Fukushima     closed
    23-Feb-20J1-League M.1YokohamaM 1:2 G Osaka 1Fukushima     34521
    11ACL afc Group D - M.1Al Ain 0:4 Sepahan 2Kimura     7028
    10-Sep-19Qualif WC fifa 2nd Round - Group G - M.4Malaysia 1:2 U.A.E. 2Kimura     43200
    05Qualif WC fifa 2nd Round - Group B - M.3Ch Taipei 1:2 Jordan 1Araki     5520
    24-Aug-19J1-League M.24Hiroshima 0:0 Oita 1Kasahara     15420
    03J1-League M.21Sendai 2:1 Iwata 1Takayama     15084
    29-Jun-19J1-League M.17FC Tokyo 4:2 YokohamaM 1Araki     33705
    08-Apr-19ACL afc Group A - M.3Wasl 1:3 Zob Ahan 2Yamamoto     620
    30-Mar-19J1-League M.5Iwata 1:1 Kashima 1Fukushima     13111
    09J1-League M.3Sapporo 5:2 Shimizu 1Iemoto     22692
    23-Feb-19J1-League M.1Tosu 0:4 Nagoya 1Yamamoto     18382
    20-Oct-18J1-League M.30G Osaka 2:1 YokohamaM 1Iemoto     26630
    01-Sep-18J1-League M.25YokohamaM 3:1 Kashiwa 1Nakamura     22752
    26-Aug-18J1-League M.24Nagoya 4:1 Urawa 1Nishimura     26410
    15J1-League M.22C Osaka 3:1 Shimizu 1Takayama     14628
    25-Jul-18J1-League M.14C Osaka 0:2 Kashima 1Matsuo     16631
    13-May-18J1-League M.14Urawa 0:0 Tosu 1Iemoto     40137
    05J1-League M.13Sapporo 2:0 G Osaka 1Kubota     12382
    15-Apr-18J1-League M.8Iwata 1:0 Tosu 1Ikeuchi     11126
    07J1-League M.6Shonan 2:1 Kashima 1Yamamoto     13947
    31-Mar-18J1-League M.5Kawasaki 0:1 Hiroshima 1Tojo     24018
    24-Feb-18J1-League M.1G Osaka 2:3 Nagoya 1Okabe     28681
    02-Dec-17J1-League M.34Sapporo 3:2 Tosu 2Iida     27796
    21-Oct-17J1-League M.30Iwata 2:2 Niigata 1Imamura, Y     11762
    14J1-League M.29Sapporo 3:0 Kashiwa 2Iemoto     9614
    08J-League Cup Semi-Finals - M.13G Osaka 1:2 C Osaka 2Murakami     ?
    23-Sep-17J1-League M.27Kofu 3:2 YokohamaM 2Iemoto     12049
    09J1-League M.25Kashima 1:0 Omiya 2Fukushima     15719
    26-Aug-17J1-League M.24Kashiwa 1:1 Niigata 2Sato     12760
    08-Jul-17J1-League M.18C Osaka 2:1 Kashiwa 1Matsuo     16759
    21-Jun-17Emperors Cup Second Round - M.2Kobe 3:1 Toyama 1Nishimura     1805
    31-May-17J-League Cup Group A - M.7Iwata 1:2 Omiya 2Murakami     ?
    20J1-League M.12G Osaka 3:0 Tosu 2Iida     21366
    10J-League Cup Group B - M.5Kobe 2:1 Kofu 2Murakami     ?
    22-Apr-17J1-League M.8Tosu 1:0 Kobe 2Yamamoto     11088
    16J1-League M.7Hiroshima 0:1 YokohamaM 2Matsuo     12651
    08J1-League M.6Omiya 0:2 Kobe 2Iemoto     9598
    01J1-League M.5Niigata 2:3 G Osaka 2Kamimura     20043
    10-Mar-17J1-League M.3Kawasaki 2:1 Kashiwa 2Imamura, Y     18608
    25-Feb-17J1-League M.1C Osaka 0:0 Iwata 2Sato     33208
    24-Dec-16Emperors Cup Quarter Finals - M.5Kashima 1:0 Hiroshima 2Murakami     18391
    09-Nov-16Emperors Cup Fourth Round - M.4Omiya 1:0 YokohamaC 2Iemoto     4714
    03J1-League 2nd Stage - M.34Kashima 0:1 Kobe 2Hirose     15925
    29-Oct-16J1-League 2nd Stage - M.33Shonan 1:0 Kofu 2Iemoto     11883
    10-Sep-16J1-League 2nd Stage - M.28G Osaka 2:1 Kofu 2Kimura     17921
    03Emperors Cup Second Round - M.2Nagoya 0:1 Nagano 2Fukushima     3785
    13-Aug-16J1-League 2nd Stage - M.25Tosu 1:0 Kawasaki 2Matsuo     19477
    06J1-League 2nd Stage - M.24Niigata 1:0 Kobe 2Ogiya     18467
    17-Jul-16J1-League 2nd Stage - M.21Urawa 2:2 Omiya 2Iemoto     53951
    13J1-League 2nd Stage - M.20Kashiwa 3:3 Hiroshima 2Kimura     7090
    25-Jun-16J1-League 1st Stage - M.17G Osaka 3:3 Nagoya 2Takayama     33546
    11J1-League 1st Stage - M.15YokohamaM 0:2 Kawasaki 2Iida     46413
    21-May-16J1-League 1st Stage - M.13Hiroshima 1:3 G Osaka 2Okabe     17220
    18J-League Cup Group B - M.5YokohamaM 2:1 Fukuoka 2Mikami     5133
    14J1-League 1st Stage - M.12Kawasaki 3:1 Kobe 2Iemoto     20215
    30-Apr-16J1-League 1st Stage - M.9YokohamaM 0:1 Shonan 2Ueda     26518
    20J-League Cup Group A - M.4Kobe 1:1 Omiya 2Takayama     5077
    16J1-League 1st Stage - M.7FC Tokyo 2:4 Kawasaki 2Nishimura     29208
    23-Mar-16J-League Cup Group B - M.1Sendai 1:0 Niigata 2Araki     6135
    27-Feb-16J1-League 1st Stage - M.1YokohamaM 0:1 Sendai 2Tojo     24898

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