England Lee, M

Matthew Lee

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List of games of linesman Lee, M

Games on database
    26-Mar-22League One League - M.40Wimbledon 0:1 Cambridge 2Handley     8463
    05League One League - M.37Oxford U 4:1 Burton 2Purkiss     7631
    22-Feb-22League Two League - M.25L Orient 0:2 Bristol R 1Breakspear     3840
    12League Two League - M.32Swindon 3:0 Scunthorp 1Finnie     9012
    08League Two League - M.31Sutton U 0:0 Salford 2Swabey     2491
    29-Jan-22League One League - M.30Wimbledon 1:1 Shrewsbry 1Boyeson     7824
    22League One League - M.29Oxford U 3:2 Sheff.Wed 2Finnie     10071
    07-Dec-21League Two League - M.20Stevenage 1:1 Scunthorp 2Huxtable     1808
    27-Nov-21League Two League - M.19Forest GR 2:0 Bristol R 1Mather     4128
    20League One League - M.18Charlton 2:0 Plymouth 1Wright, P     26090
    06FA Cup First Round - M.3Wimbledon 1:0 Guiseley 2Woods     4973
    30-Oct-21League Two League - M.15Sutton U 0:1 Walsall 1Boyeson     3319
    26EFL Trophy South Group A - M.3Gillinghm 0:2 West Ham 2Hicks     819
    23League Two League - M.14Stevenage 0:0 L Orient 2Bell     3544
    16League Two League - M.12Swindon 2:2 Rochdale 1Mather     9310
    18-Sep-21League One League - M.8Wycombe 2:1 Charlton 2Wright, P     5832
    14League Two League - M.3Sutton U 1:0 Hartlepol 2Hooper     2484
    11PL2 M.4Tottenham 2:1 Liverpool 1Gill     ?
    30-Aug-21NL.South League - M.4Dorking 1:2 Hungerfrd 1Hughes, S     ?
    20-Apr-21League Two League - M.43Stevenage 0:1 Cheltnham 1Kettle     closed
    17League Two League - M.42Colchestr 2:1 Walsall 1Boyeson     closed
    10League Two League - M.41Cambridge 1:4 Exeter 1Johnson     closed
    27-Mar-21League Two League - M.38Forest GR 0:1 Bolton 1Rock     closed
    20League One League - M.37Wimbledon 2:2 Charlton 2Breakspear     closed
    13League One League - M.36Swindon 1:3 Gillinghm 1Bell     closed
    23-Jan-21League One League - M.25Oxford U 2:0 Bristol R 1Rock     closed
    16League Two League - M.24L Orient 2:0 Morecambe 1Huxtable     closed
    26-Dec-20League One League - M.20Oxford U 2:0 Wimbledon 1Purkiss     closed
    15League One League - M.18Gillinghm 0:2 Accringtn 2Woolmer     closed
    12League Two League - M.17Crawley 4:2 Barrow 2Hair     650
    08EFL Trophy Second Round - M.4Exeter 1:2 Northmptn 1Brook     ?
    21-Nov-20League One League - M.13Gillinghm 1:1 Charlton 2Lewis, R     closed
    10EFL Trophy South Group F - M.3Plymouth 3:1 Newport 2Huxtable     closed
    08FA Cup First Round - M.1Torquay 5:6 Crawley 2Breakspear     closed
    31-Oct-20League One League - M.10Swindon 2:1 Hull City 1Coggins     closed
    10League One League - M.5Plymouth 2:0 Burton 2Rock     closed
    26-Sep-20League Two League - M.3Southend 1:2 Morecambe 1Breakspear     closed
    22EFL Trophy South Group G - M.3Wimbledon 2:0 Brighton 1Hicks     closed
    15League Cup Second Round - M.2Gillinghm 1:1 Coventry 2Hicks     closed
    08EFL Trophy South Group E - M.1Exeter 3:2 Forest GR 2Allison     closed
    07-Mar-20League Two League - M.37Northmptn 1:2 Mansfield 2Wright, P     5666
    03League Two League - M.17Plymouth 3:0 Grimsby 1Rock     9327
    29-Feb-20League One League - M.36Bristol R 0:1 Shrewsbry 1Young     6954
    22Nat.League League - M.36Maidenhd 1:2 Aldershot 1Allison     1778
    08League One League - M.32Wimbledon 1:2 Fleetwood 1Rock     4097
    01League One League - M.31MK Dons 2:0 Wycombe 2Handley     9699
    18-Jan-20League Two League - M.28Cambridge 0:4 Stevenage 2Joyce     4228
    11League One League - M.27Southend 0:0 Tranmere 2Young     5988
    23-Nov-19League One League - M.19Southend 0:4 Oxford U 1Nield     6835
    19FA Cup First Round - M.2Bromley 0:1 Bristol R 1Pollard     4558
    12EFL Trophy South Group G - M.3MK Dons 1:2 Wycombe 1Rock     1101
    12-Oct-19League Two League - M.13Swindon 1:1 Plymouth 2Lewis, R     9548
    21-Sep-19League One League - M.10Gillinghm 0:1 Ipswich 1Sarginson     7214
    17League Two League - M.9Crawley 2:2 Plymouth 2Rock     2501
    14League Two League - M.8Northmptn 2:0 Newport 1Young     4616
    27-Aug-19League Cup Second Round - M.2Oxford U 2:2 Millwall 1Hicks     3693
    20League Two League - M.4Swindon 0:1 Northmptn 1Hicks     7203
    10League One League - M.2Gillinghm 1:2 Burton 2Linington     4682
    03League Two League - M.1Forest GR 1:0 Oldham 1Hair     2541
    12-May-19League Two Play-offs - M.48Mansfield 0:0 Newport 1Salisbury, M     7361
    04League Two League - M.46Forest GR 0:0 Exeter 2Toner     4537
    27-Apr-19League Two League - M.45Colchestr 2:0 MK Dons 2Coggins     5000
    22League Two League - M.44Crawley 1:1 Notts Co 2Salisbury     2800
    13League Two League - M.42Stevenage 3:0 Carlisle 2Boyeson     2770
    05-Mar-19EFL Trophy Semi-finals - M.7Bristol R 0:2 Sunderland 1Salisbury, M     6699
    02League Two League - M.35Yeovil 3:2 Morecambe 2Coggins     2521
    16-Feb-19League One League - M.33Gillinghm 1:0 Scunthorp 1Swabey     ?
    09League Two League - M.32Forest GR 1:2 Notts Co 1Hair     2871
    22-Jan-19League Two League - M.18Yeovil 0:2 Lincoln C 2Yates     2486
    12League Two League - M.28Stevenage 2:1 Crawley 2Bramall     2347
    26-Dec-18League Two League - M.24Cheltnham 3:1 MK Dons 2Whitestone     3266
    22League One League - M.23Southend 1:2 Rochdale 2Hair     5735
    08League One League - M.21Bristol R 0:4 Doncaster 1Busby     7356
    20-Nov-18FA Cup First Round - M.2Oxford C 0:2 Tranmere 1Hicks     1172
    17League One League - M.18Oxford U 1:0 Gillinghm 1Hair     6628
    10FA Cup First Round - M.1Bromley 1:3 Peterboro 2Johnson     3107
    06EFL Trophy South Group F - M.3Wycombe 0:3 Oxford U 2Friend     ?
    23-Oct-18League Two League - M.15Yeovil 1:1 Crewe 2Johnson     2397
    20League One League - M.14Plymouth 2:3 Burton 2Bramall     8190
    09EFL Trophy South Group A - M.2Gillinghm 0:4 Tottenham 2Coggins     308
    06League Two League - M.12Crawley 2:0 Cambridge 2Ward     2151
    22-Sep-18League One League - M.9Oxford U 1:2 Walsall 2Young     6080
    04EFL Trophy South Group H - M.1Luton Town 2:1 Brighton 2Busby     1318
    25-Aug-18League Two League - M.5Crawley 3:2 Bury 2Hicks     2036
    21League One League - M.4Wimbledon 1:3 Walsall 1Nield     3887
    18League One League - M.3Southend 2:0 Bradford 2Nield     6295
    05-May-18League One League - M.46Gillinghm 5:2 Plymouth 1Malone     6269
    14-Apr-18League Two League - M.43Yeovil 0:1 Wycombe 2Ward     3307
    07League One League - M.42Wimbledon 1:1 Scunthorp 1Nield     4055
    02League Two League - M.41Crawley 1:1 Swindon 2Whitestone     5008
    29-Mar-18League One League - M.40Gillinghm 1:2 MK Dons 1Busby     5540
    17-Feb-18League Two League - M.34Newport 0:0 Notts Co 1Lewis, R     3326
    10League Two League - M.32Stevenage 1:1 Luton Town 1Handley     4365
    20-Jan-18League Two League - M.29Barnet 1:1 Lincoln C 2Nield     3161
    06FA Cup Third Round - M.5Yeovil 2:0 Bradford 2Brooks     3040
    26-Dec-17League Two League - M.24Crawley 0:2 Colchestr 2Coggins     2154
    23League One League - M.23Oxford U 0:7 Wigan 2Nield     7957
    16League One League - M.22Northmptn 2:1 Walsall 2Breakspear     5055
    02FA Cup Second Round - M.3Forest GR 3:3 Exeter 2Ward     2250
    11-Nov-17League Two League - M.17Crawley 1:1 Forest GR 1Nield     2149
    04FA Cup First Round - M.1Wimbledon 1:0 Lincoln C 2Woolmer     3394
    21-Oct-17League One League - M.15Southend 1:0 Bury 2Ward     6787
    17League One League - M.14Gillinghm 1:1 Wigan 1Huxtable     4705
    14League Two League - M.13Yeovil 2:0 Crewe 2Toner     2360
    23-Sep-17League Two League - M.9Barnet 1:2 Crawley 2Handley     1602
    08-Aug-17League Cup First Round - M.1Wycombe 0:2 Fulham 2Ward     3639
    30-Apr-17League One League - M.46Wimbledon 0:0 Oldham 1Kinseley     4867
    07-Mar-17League One League - M.28Charlton 2:1 Scunthorp 2Whitestone     9088
    04League One League - M.36Southend 1:1 Port Vale 2Miller     7545
    18-Feb-17League Two League - M.32L Orient 2:3 Notts Co 1Huxtable     5585
    14League One League - M.32Northmptn 2:1 Swindon 2Handley     5094
    07League One League - M.26MK Dons 1:0 Oldham 1Handley     7598
    19-Nov-16League Two League - M.17Yeovil 2:1 Colchestr 1Huxtable     2985
    17FA Cup First Round - M.2Dover Ath 2:4 Cambridge 1Breakspear     1158
    01-Oct-16League One League - M.11Southend 1:1 Peterboro 2Adcock     6417
    03-Sep-16League Two League - M.6Colchestr 2:3 Exeter 2Deadman     3364
    11-Oct-14Conf.Nat League - M.16Dartford 1:1 Macclesfd 2Cook, D     ?
    20-Sep-14Conf.Nat League - M.11Torquay 2:0 Dover Ath 1Rees     ?
    06Conf.Nat League - M.7Forest GR 0:1 Wrexham 2Treleaven     1401
    23-Aug-14Conf.Nat League - M.4Welling 1:1 Woking 2Amey     634

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