Japan Nomura

Osamu Nomura

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List of games of linesman Nomura

Games on database
    30-Nov-24J1-League M.37Iwata 2:1 FC Tokyo 1Okabe     13950
    09J1-League M.36Kashima 0:0 Nagoya 1Ueda     22945
    30-Oct-24J1-League M.35YokohamaM 0:0 Urawa 1Ikeuchi     21397
    19J1-League M.34Kyoto 2:0 Tosu 1Fukushima     12861
    28-Sep-24J1-League M.32YokohamaM 1:3 FC Tokyo 1Kawamata     28601
    17-Aug-24J1-League M.27Shonan 1:2 Kashiwa 1Shimizu, H     11618
    11J1-League M.26FC Tokyo 0:3 Kawasaki 1Nishimura     37452
    20-Jul-24J1-League M.24Machida 1:2 YokohamaM 1Mikuriya     46401
    06J1-League M.22Kashima 2:0 Sapporo 1Kasahara     16461
    29-Jun-24J1-League M.21Kawasaki 1:1 Hiroshima 1Imamura, Y     22393
    22J1-League M.19Machida 0:0 Fukuoka 1Nakamura     9092
    01J1-League M.17Urawa 1:1 Kobe 1Nakamura     45976
    26-May-24J1-League M.16C Osaka 1:1 Hiroshima 1Ueda     19670
    15J1-League M.14Sapporo 1:0 Iwata 1Mikuriya     7702
    06J1-League M.12Fukuoka 1:1 Kawasaki 1Shimizu, H     9174
    27-Apr-24J1-League M.10Sapporo 3:3 Shonan 1Nishimura     16260
    20J1-League M.9Urawa 0:1 G Osaka 1Nishimura     41377
    13J1-League M.8Machida 1:2 Kobe 1Nakamura     39080
    07J1-League M.7Tokyo Vdy 1:1 Kashiwa 1Kimura     13606
    30-Mar-24J1-League M.5Kobe 6:1 Sapporo 1Kasahara     17374
    09J1-League M.3Fukuoka 1:1 Shonan 1Imamura, Y     6596
    24-Feb-24J1-League M.1Machida 1:1 G Osaka 1Shimizu, H     13506
    03-Dec-23J1-League M.34G Osaka 0:1 Kobe 1Nakamura     32397
    25-Nov-23J1-League M.33Kashiwa 2:2 Tosu 1Yamamoto     12733
    12J1-League M.32YokohamaM 2:0 C Osaka 1Kimura     37204
    21-Oct-23J1-League M.30Kobe 3:1 Kashima 1Fukushima     53444
    24-Sep-23J1-League M.28G Osaka 1:3 Urawa 1Araki     30135
    17J1-League M.27YokohamaC 1:2 Kashiwa 1Nakamura     11516
    02J1-League M.26C Osaka 3:0 Kawasaki 1Kawamata     18789
    26-Aug-23J1-League M.25FC Tokyo 2:2 Kobe 1Nakamura     48634
    12J1-League M.23YokohamaM 2:1 G Osaka 1Ikeuchi     33261
    06J1-League M.22Kyoto 0:1 Kashiwa 1Fukushima     11545
    08-Jul-23J1-League M.20Fukuoka 2:1 Sapporo 1Ikeuchi     7170
    01J1-League M.19Kashima 0:0 Kyoto 1Araki     16353
    24-Jun-23J1-League M.18Urawa 1:1 Kawasaki 1Imamura, Y     35887
    10J1-League M.17YokohamaM 4:3 Kashiwa 1Ikeuchi     26946
    19-Mar-22J1-League M.5Kyoto 0:1 FC Tokyo 1Koya     10790
    12J1-League M.4Iwata 1:1 G Osaka 1Mikuriya     10669
    02J1-League M.10Kawasaki 2:1 Urawa 1Sato     14696
    19-Feb-22J1-League M.1YokohamaM 2:2 C Osaka 1Yamamoto     13737
    07-Apr-21J1-League M.8Kawasaki 1:0 Tosu 1Yamamoto     9173
    03J1-League M.7Sendai 0:2 Kobe 1Ueda     4619
    17-Mar-21J1-League M.5YokohamaM 1:0 Tokushima 1Shimizu, H     4787
    10J1-League M.3Kashima 3:1 Shonan 1Sato     4546
    06J1-League M.2Shimizu 2:2 Fukuoka 1Okabe     9063
    27-Feb-21J1-League M.1Oita 1:1 Tokushima 1Shimizu, H     7012
    09-Aug-20J1-League M.9C Osaka 0:0 FC Tokyo 1Yamamoto     4840
    12-Jul-20J1-League M.4C Osaka 0:2 Nagoya 1Murakami     4026
    08J1-League M.3Tosu 0:1 Kobe 1Kasahara     closed
    04J1-League M.2G Osaka 1:2 C Osaka 1Sato     closed
    21-Feb-20J1-League M.1Shonan 2:3 Urawa 1Sato     13071
    05-Sep-19Qualif WC fifa 2nd Round - Group B - M.3Ch Taipei 1:2 Jordan 2Araki     5520
    01J1-League M.25Shonan 1:1 Urawa 1Okabe     13569
    23-Aug-19J1-League M.24Tosu 1:6 Kobe 1Fukushima     23055
    10J1-League M.22Shimizu 1:0 Matsumoto 1Ueda     16017
    03J1-League M.21Hiroshima 1:0 Sapporo 1Yamamoto     12672
    31-Jul-19J1-League M.16Urawa 1:1 Kashima 1Nishimura     37265
    11-Jun-19Qualif WC fifa First Round - M.2E. Timor 1:5 Malaysia 2Araki     12776
    17-Mar-19J1-League M.4Kawasaki 0:1 G Osaka 1Kimura     23982
    02J1-League M.2Shonan 2:3 FC Tokyo 1Takayama     12878
    31-Oct-18J1-League M.31Kashima 1:0 C Osaka 2Iida     9233
    06J1-League M.29Kobe 1:1 Nagasaki 2Iemoto     22349
    16-Sep-18J1-League M.26YokohamaM 1:2 Urawa 2Iida     41686
    18-Jul-18J1-League M.16Shonan 1:1 Tosu 2Okabe     9229
    02-May-18J1-League M.12G Osaka 1:0 Sendai 2Koya     11824
    25-Apr-18J1-League M.10Sapporo 2:1 YokohamaM 2Okabe     6729
    22J1-League M.9Nagasaki 1:0 Kashiwa 2Nishimura     7676
    11J1-League M.7Nagoya 2:3 Sendai 2Okabe     9297
    10-Mar-18J1-League M.3Kashima 0:1 Hiroshima 2Matsuo     16799

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