Japan Kawasaki

Akihito Kawasaki

Linesman Since:2008
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List of games of linesman Kawasaki

Games on database
    05-Nov-22J1-League M.34C Osaka 0:1 Nagoya 1Kasahara     16896
    12-Oct-22J1-League M.27Urawa 1:1 Sapporo 2Tanimoto     18510
    17-Sep-22J1-League M.30Kashiwa 1:1 Kawasaki 1Mikuriya     12276
    03J1-League M.28Hiroshima 2:0 Shimizu 1Fukushima     11437
    20-Aug-22J1-League M.26Fukuoka 1:4 Kawasaki 2Shimizu, H     9651
    07J1-League M.24Shonan 1:5 Sapporo 1Inoue     9568
    16-Jul-22J1-League M.22G Osaka 1:2 C Osaka 2Sato     22531
    10J1-League M.21Tosu 0:1 Kashiwa 1Ikeuchi     5846
    06J1-League M.20YokohamaM 3:0 Hiroshima 2Kimura     13311
    18-Jun-22J1-League M.17Iwata 3:1 Tosu 1Nishimura     8163
    29-May-22J1-League M.16Kyoto 1:0 Kawasaki 1Tanimoto     17417
    25J1-League M.15Nagoya 1:0 Fukuoka 1Shimizu, H     6106
    03J1-League M.11Tosu 1:1 C Osaka 1Matsuo     14055
    29-Apr-22J1-League M.10Kyoto 0:1 Fukuoka 1Tanimoto     10403
    06J1-League M.7Kyoto 1:1 G Osaka 1Okabe     9869
    02J1-League M.6Sapporo 1:1 Urawa 1Inoue     11345
    12-Mar-22J1-League M.4Kawasaki 1:0 Nagoya 2Iida     18114
    26-Feb-22J1-League M.2Iwata 1:2 Shimizu 2Koya     19130
    18-Apr-21J1-League M.10Kawasaki 1:1 Hiroshima 1Kasahara     9720
    14J1-League M.18Tosu 0:1 G Osaka 2Shimizu, H     4512
    02J1-League M.7C Osaka 1:0 Tosu 2Imamura, Y     7014
    14-Mar-21J1-League M.4Oita 1:1 FC Tokyo 2Imamura, Y     9590
    10J1-League M.3Hiroshima 2:1 Sapporo 2Yamamoto     3821
    08-Aug-20J1-League M.9Shimizu 3:1 Sapporo 2Tojo     3981
    08-Jul-20J1-League M.3Nagoya 2:2 G Osaka 2Yamamoto     closed
    01-Sep-19J1-League M.25Shimizu 0:4 Kashima 1Nishimura     15480
    24-Aug-19J1-League M.24Nagoya 1:5 YokohamaM 2Iida     20130
    18J1-League M.23G Osaka 1:1 Iwata 1Inoue     37334
    13-Jul-19J1-League M.19Tosu 0:2 Hiroshima 2Inoue     17582
    30-Jun-19J1-League M.17Iwata 1:3 Kawasaki 1Matsuo     11241
    10-Mar-19J1-League M.3Sendai 1:3 Kobe 1Matsuo     19503
    06-Oct-18J1-League M.29Hiroshima 0:3 Kashiwa 2Sato     11683
    14-Sep-18J1-League M.26C Osaka 1:1 Iwata 1Tojo     13112
    26-Aug-18J1-League M.24Tosu 3:0 G Osaka 1Tojo     20060
    19J1-League M.23Sapporo 3:2 FC Tokyo 1Iida     18521
    15J1-League M.22YokohamaM 1:2 Nagoya 2Iida     24527
    18-Jul-18J1-League M.16Shimizu 3:0 C Osaka 2Kakinuma     9782
    02-May-18J1-League M.12Hiroshima 2:0 Shimizu 1Iemoto     8029
    25-Apr-18J1-League M.10Iwata 1:2 Nagasaki 1Koya     8047
    21J1-League M.9YokohamaM 4:4 Shonan 1Imamura, Y     19117
    01J1-League M.5Iwata 2:1 Urawa 1Hirose     21755
    26-Nov-17J1-League M.33C Osaka 3:1 Kobe 2Kimura     29918
    15-Oct-17J1-League M.29Tosu 1:2 C Osaka 1Matsuo     14896
    30-Sep-17J1-League M.28Kawasaki 5:1 C Osaka 2Nishimura     24225
    23J1-League M.27Shimizu 1:3 Hiroshima 2Nishimura     14441
    30-Aug-17J-League Cup Quarter-Finals - M.10C Osaka 0:0 Urawa 2Fukushima     7784
    26J1-League M.24Tosu 1:3 G Osaka 2Nishimura     16474
    19J1-League M.23Hiroshima 1:0 Kofu 2Matsuo     11771
    08-Jul-17J1-League M.18YokohamaM 1:1 Hiroshima 2Sato     23517
    05J1-League M.13G Osaka 0:1 Kashima 2Kimura     18626
    17-Jun-17J1-League M.15Kawasaki 1:0 Hiroshima 2Nishimura     23209
    31-May-17J-League Cup Group A - M.7Sapporo 2:1 Kashiwa 1Nishimura     ?
    14J1-League M.11C Osaka 5:2 Hiroshima 2Nishimura     14351
    05J1-League M.10G Osaka 1:1 Shimizu 2Kimura     31948
    30-Apr-17J1-League M.9Omiya 1:0 Urawa 2Nishimura     12401
    16J1-League M.7Iwata 2:1 Tosu 2Takayama     11910
    12J-League Cup Group B - M.2YokohamaM 0:2 Kobe 2Nishimura     5314
    15-Mar-17J-League Cup Group B - M.1Hiroshima 0:0 Kofu 2Murakami     5457
    10J1-League M.3Kashima 1:0 YokohamaM 2Murakami     12537
    04J1-League M.2Iwata 0:1 Sendai 2Nishimura     14554
    24-Dec-16Emperors Cup Quarter Finals - M.5Omiya 4:2 Shonan 2Yamamoto     10297
    09-Nov-16Emperors Cup Fourth Round - M.4G Osaka 1:0 Shimizu 1Fukushima     8789
    22-Oct-16J1-League 2nd Stage - M.32Kashiwa 2:3 Tosu 2Nishimura     10140
    17-Sep-16J1-League 2nd Stage - M.29Omiya 3:2 Kawasaki 1Ogiya     13787
    10J1-League 2nd Stage - M.28FC Tokyo 3:0 Shonan 2Nishimura     18744
    30-Jul-16J1-League 2nd Stage - M.23Niigata 0:1 FC Tokyo 2Ikeuchi     23510
    17J1-League 2nd Stage - M.21Kobe 2:0 Shonan 2Yamamoto     13076
    22-Jun-16J1-League 1st Stage - M.13Urawa 3:2 FC Tokyo 2Iida     24368
    11J1-League 1st Stage - M.15Kofu 1:0 Fukuoka 1Yamamoto     8133
    25-May-16J-League Cup Group B - M.6Niigata 1:1 YokohamaM 1Murakami     8136
    18J-League Cup Group A - M.5Kofu 0:2 Kobe 2Fukushima     4723
    13J1-League 1st Stage - M.12G Osaka 2:1 Iwata 2Sato     17299
    04J1-League 1st Stage - M.10Nagoya 3:1 YokohamaM 2Nishimura     27669
    20-Apr-16J-League Cup Group B - M.4Sendai 0:0 Fukuoka 2Araki     5956
    06J-League Cup Group B - M.3YokohamaM 1:3 Kashiwa 2Nishimura     7084
    19-Mar-16J1-League 1st Stage - M.4Kashima 2:0 FC Tokyo 2Tojo     15996
    12J1-League 1st Stage - M.3Kashiwa 2:2 Iwata 2Matsuo     10280
    05J1-League 1st Stage - M.2Kawasaki 4:4 Shonan 2Takayama     21871
    03-Oct-15J1-League 2nd Stage - M.30Sendai 1:3 YokohamaM 2Murakami     15685
    26-Sep-15J1-League 2nd Stage - M.29Tosu 0:1 Kofu 2Sato     9672
    02J-League Cup Quarter-Finals - M.8G Osaka 1:1 Nagoya 2Kimura     6064
    29-Aug-15J1-League 2nd Stage - M.26Kobe 7:1 Tosu 2Murakami     14637
    22J1-League 2nd Stage - M.25Shonan 2:1 Kawasaki 2Ueda     14136
    25-Jul-15J1-League 2nd Stage - M.21Kawasaki 3:2 Shimizu 2Ogiya     20040
    15J1-League 2nd Stage - M.19Yamagata 0:0 Urawa 2Matsuo     10849
    07-Jun-15J1-League 1st Stage - M.15Yamagata 2:2 Kashima 2Ikeuchi     13241
    03J-League Cup Group A - M.7Matsumoto 0:3 Niigata 2Yamamoto     8427
    23-May-15J1-League 1st Stage - M.13Shonan 4:0 Shimizu 2Okabe     13248
    20J-League Cup Group A - M.5FC Tokyo 2:1 Kofu 2Iemoto     8699
    16J1-League 1st Stage - M.12Matsumoto 2:0 Kobe 2Nishimura     11743
    25-Apr-15J1-League 1st Stage - M.7Kashima 1:2 Kobe 2Iida     12275
    18J1-League 1st Stage - M.6Sendai 2:3 Kawasaki 2Nishimura     13644
    08J-League Cup Group B - M.3Yamagata 3:3 Nagoya 2Yamamoto     3588
    14-Mar-15J1-League 1st Stage - M.2Matsumoto 1:2 Hiroshima 2Murakami     17091
    08-Dec-14J1-League M.34Niigata 0:2 Kashiwa 2Okabe     2104
    29-Nov-14J1-League M.33Kawasaki 1:1 Hiroshima 2Sato     15468
    02J1-League M.31C Osaka 1:3 Kofu 2Iemoto     23378
    22-Oct-14J1-League M.29Nagoya 0:0 Sendai 2Tojo     5599
    27-Sep-14J1-League M.26Omiya 2:1 Shimizu 2Matsuo     11684
    20J1-League M.24Kashima 1:0 YokohamaM 2Imamura, Y     17834
    09-Aug-14J1-League M.19Shimizu 1:0 Tokushima 2Matsuo     11887
    02J1-League M.18G Osaka 2:0 YokohamaM 2Iida     15363
    19-Jul-14J1-League M.15Urawa 1:0 Niigata 2Ogiya     30776
    18-May-14J1-League M.14Kawasaki 0:3 YokohamaM 2Yoshida     19668
    06J1-League M.12Tosu 1:0 Kashiwa 2Kimura     14457
    29-Apr-14J1-League M.10C Osaka 1:1 Omiya 2Yoshida     19367
    26J1-League M.9Hiroshima 0:3 Kashima 2Nishimura     16992
    06J1-League M.6Urawa 4:0 Sendai 2Nishimura     26762
    29-Mar-14J1-League M.5Tosu 2:0 G Osaka 2Iida     12115
    23J1-League M.4Kashima 0:2 C Osaka 2Yoshida     32099
    08J1-League M.2Kobe 1:1 Kashiwa 2Yoshida     13143
    03-Aug-13J1-League M.19Iwata 2:3 Nagoya 1Sato     14272
    17-Jul-13J1-League M.17C Osaka 4:1 Tosu 2Inoue     9119
    13J1-League M.16YokohamaM 2:1 Omiya 2Takayama     29722
    10J1-League M.15Shonan 1:2 Kashiwa 2Sato     7319
    18-May-13J1-League M.12Iwata 2:4 Kawasaki 2Maeda     10429
    11J1-League M.11Shonan 3:2 FC Tokyo 2Imamura, Y     8248
    20-Apr-13J1-League M.7FC Tokyo 3:1 Nagoya 2Inoue     16804
    06J1-League M.5Oita 0:1 Kofu 2Yoshida     7913
    16-Mar-13J1-League M.3YokohamaM 2:1 Iwata 2Takayama     19195
    25-May-12J1-League M.13G Osaka 2:3 Tosu 2Okabe     8218
    07-Apr-12J1-League M.5Nagoya 1:0 Tosu 2Inoue     13824
    10-Mar-12J1-League M.1Kawasaki 1:0 Niigata 2Yamamoto     18920

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