Japan Umeda

Tomoyuki Umeda

Linesman Since:2015
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List of games of linesman Umeda

Games on database
    30-Nov-24J1-League M.37Nagoya 0:3 Tosu 1Takasaki     14734
    03J1-League M.35FC Tokyo 0:2 Shonan 1Ueda     28337
    23-Oct-24J1-League M.25Urawa 1:0 Kashiwa 1Fukushima     26304
    05J1-League M.33FC Tokyo 1:1 Tosu 1Yamamoto     21140
    28-Sep-24J1-League M.32Sapporo 2:0 Kyoto 1Ramos, Cesar     17860
    24-Aug-24J1-League M.28Kyoto 3:0 FC Tokyo 1Kamimura     13193
    10J1-League M.26Sapporo 2:2 Fukuoka 1Yamamoto     24039
    20-Jul-24J1-League M.24G Osaka 0:1 Shonan 1Nishimura     22655
    14J1-League M.23Tokyo Vdy 0:1 Machida 1Ikeuchi     22480
    16-Jun-24J1-League M.18Nagoya 1:1 Shonan 1Yamashita     21990
    01J1-League M.17Hiroshima 2:0 Iwata 1Stegemann     25517
    15-May-24J1-League M.14Tokyo Vdy 0:0 G Osaka 1Koya     13445
    11J1-League M.13C Osaka 1:4 Kobe 1Nishimura     21148
    03J1-League M.11Kawasaki 3:1 Urawa 1Ikeuchi     23457
    28-Apr-24J1-League M.10Kashiwa 1:1 Tosu 1Mikuriya     11648
    20J1-League M.9Fukuoka 2:2 Iwata 1Araki     6254
    07J1-League M.7Hiroshima 2:0 Shonan 1Ueda     25515
    03J1-League M.6YokohamaM 0:0 Kawasaki 1Kimura     26031
    29-Mar-24J1-League M.5Tokyo Vdy 2:2 Kyoto 1Yamamoto     10060
    16J1-League M.4Sapporo 1:2 Machida 1Araki     14607
    02J1-League M.2FC Tokyo 1:1 Hiroshima 1Fukushima     32274
    17-Feb-24J-Supercup Final - Kobe 0:1 Kawasaki 2Ikeuchi     52142
    03-Dec-23J1-League M.34Tosu 0:1 Kawasaki 2Yamashita     13302
    24-Nov-23J1-League M.33YokohamaM 0:0 Niigata 2Fukushima     34335
    21-Oct-23J1-League M.30YokohamaC 1:0 FC Tokyo 2Yamamoto     11057
    16-Sep-23J1-League M.27Sapporo 0:1 Shonan 2Imamura, Y     14090
    02J1-League M.26Niigata 1:1 Urawa 2Matsuo     27775
    26-Aug-23J1-League M.25Tosu 1:1 G Osaka 2Shimizu, H     12812
    12J1-League M.23FC Tokyo 2:0 Kyoto 2Ueda     23162
    30-Jun-23J1-League M.19C Osaka 0:1 Fukuoka 2Shimizu, H     11786
    24J1-League M.18Shonan 0:6 Tosu 2Al-Marri     9848
    28-May-23J1-League M.15C Osaka 2:0 YokohamaC 2Iida     14304
    20J1-League M.14G Osaka 0:2 YokohamaM 2Kimura     19823
    03J1-League M.11Shonan 1:2 Kashiwa 2Fukushima     12342
    23-Apr-23J1-League M.9Niigata 0:2 Kashima 2Yamamoto     23920
    01J1-League M.6Kashima 1:2 Hiroshima 2Fukushima     15414
    03-Mar-23J1-League M.3YokohamaM 1:1 Hiroshima 2Nakamura     10854
    18-Feb-23J1-League M.1FC Tokyo 2:0 Urawa 2Kasahara     38051

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