Bulgaria Italy

fifa World Cup 1986

Group A - Matchday 1

31-May-86 12:00 hs ( local ) at MXEstadio Azteca, Ciudad de México, Ciudad de México, Mexico
Referee SE Fredriksson Linesmen MX Codesal, DE Roth

Last Visitors Ratings:
linesmanEnglandMorris, R5.0 (3)
My Line-upChelsea by Ohmms jnr
match Ipswich - Tottenham4.0 (1)
match Cali - Millos3.0 (1)
playerEGSalah4.6 (109)

Players to watch

Game Summary    

⚽ Goals : Altobelli, Sirakov (head)

Bulgaria BG     IT Italy

Vutsov, I

Squad - Campaign
1 : 1
Enzo Bearzot

Campaign - Squad
P Petrov, Zhel'ov, Yordanov, Kost'ov, Valov, Dyakov, Kolev, Markov, Dragolov, Velichkov, Pashev.Collovati, Baresi, Tancredi, Tardelli, Vialli, Zenga, Serena, Nela, Tricella, Ancelotti, P Rossi.

    Match Events        

45'Altobelli (D Genaro)0-1

48' Bergomi    
Markov 51'

64' Cabrini    

65'Vialli for Conti
Kost'ov for Iskrenov65'
Zhel'ov for Gosp'ov74'
Sirakov (Zdravkov)85'

Italy was 40 minutes ahead and 0 minutes down on score

    Color References:     GK, DF, DM, MF, FW , Unknown Pos
Player of the match
Man of the Match

    Match Stats
-Shots -
-Shots on gol -
-Fouls -
-Corner Kicks -
-Offsides -
-Time % -
26.3Age Avg 27.3
1.79Height Avg 1.79
1.87Height Max 1.87

Attendance: 95000

    Also in the Database
13-Jul-94 World Cup 1994 - M.6Semi FinalsItaly 2-1 Bulgaria FRQuiniou
22-Jun-04 Euro 2004 - M.3Group CItaly 2-1 Bulgaria RUIvanov, V
11-Oct-08 Qualif WC 2010 - M.4Group 8Bulgaria 0-0 Italy FRLannoy
09-Sep-09 Qualif WC 2010 - M.14Group 8Italy 2-0 Bulgaria DEMeyer
07-Sep-12 Qualif WC 2014 - M.1Group BBulgaria 2-2 Italy EnglandAtkinson, M
06-Sep-13 Qualif WC 2014 - M.9Group BItaly 1-0 Bulgaria ESVelasco Carballo
28-Mar-15 Euro Qual 2016 - M.5Group HBulgaria 2-2 Italy SISkomina
06-Sep-15 Euro Qual 2016 - M.8Group HItaly 1-0 Bulgaria RUKarasev
28-Mar-21 World Cup Qual 2022 - M.2Group CBulgaria 0-2 Italy SIVinčić
02-Sep-21 World Cup Qual 2022 - M.4Group CItaly 1-1 Bulgaria NLGözübüyük