User Robert

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match Nice - Auxerre1.0 (1)
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09-Mar-16 EnglandRobinson, T1

09-Mar-16 03:38 EnglandRobinson, T : Why don t referees ever admit to making a mistake? They re human after all, and I m sure everyone would have appreciated Mr Robinson s honesty and professionalism had he done so. Unfortunately, he still submitted his report and stuck to his bad decision which unfairly punished a team and player. Finally I ll leave a quote from a former well respected referee as it sums up this situation up perfectly for me. Keith Hackett said Sadly because of this referee’s [Tim Robinson] major error, the incorrect sanction will result in the player receiving a suspension. The player, the club and the spectator have been wronged. Couldn t agree more and I m a Charlton fan.