Last Visitors Ratings:
playerEnglandBellingham4.0 (10)
playerBRRaphinha3.6 (8)
refereeITCorletto5.0 (2)
match O. Caldas - Millos2.0 (1)
coachITBrocchi5.0 (5)

FL site Rules is a collaborative Database where football (soccer) fans
can review and post teams tactics and formations.

Key word in this sentence is collaborative, something what means based on mutual confidence. FL is a project containing people around the world helping each other to bring detailed football information. We are spending our work and our time here to break language barriers and unite all competitions across the world in something we can call the language of football. You dont have to know Danish, Spanish or Polish language now, to find detailed information about games played in Denmark, Argentina or Poland. You need to know only few words in English to explore huge data base containing details about all less and most important competitions in the World. This all is possible only thanks to MUTUAL CONFIDENCE.

We are glad that number of football fans are visited us, we are glad that we can help them to get what are they looking for. But we also still need a help. The world of football is so large that it seems to be impossible to collect it in one place. But we wont stop try to do that. Thats why we need your contribution.

During FL life story, but unfortunately especially last time, we realized that not always goodwill walking together with good job. Our site become more and more popular, visits count increasing rapidly but we also notice increased amount of faults making by our new users. Thats why we want you to spend a few minutes to get know some basic FL rules.

A place for me:

First of all when you become a new FL user you need to ask yourself how can you improve the site. Improve means to bring something new on. You wont help anyone to interfere in good managed competition. We dont need to improve something what is working correctly. There are plenty of not managed or not created competitions that is really a lot of space to contain everyone. You can always find info about leagues which need improving on the FL home page.

So, the better way to find something for you is to browse the site. This is the way to find which competitions are not managed yet.


If you found a space at FL which you can manage, it is time to think how to do that. As you probably know, this site is created to collecting football lineups. Tactical lineups are key data from the view of FL. The basic of starting giving contribution is the correct choose of sources for tactical lineups for the interesting competition. We always prefer to watch the matches personally but when is not possible we learn that local newspapers are always more accurate than websites.

Untrue information can affected in decreasing FL reliability.
Please post any lineup as Not Confirmed if you have any doubts or has missing data such as cards or substitutions


As we wrote before, we need your help. We are looking forward for new users making our team stronger. However we realized disturbing occurrence. A lot of people charmed by unique type of FL starting some things but they are not able to persist and leaving us with started venture.
If you are not sure about your persistence in helping us, it is better not to starting new ventures.
We are treating our project seriously, if you want to become a one of us, we invite you. But if you dont want to help us, just dont disturb.


You have got place, you have got source, you are working. You created teams, competition and fixtures, it is time to start creating lineups. To do that you must add players to teams you made. Here comes most often made faults by new users. They dont pay attention to players already created. What is a sense of collecting player appearances history if he is created few times for each club he played separately?

FL is community of people talking and writing in number of languages. Those languages contain different diacritic marks. FL site is respecting original shape of players names typical for each country. But you must remember that people abroad dont know your language. Thats why we have got a rule regulating this issue: Original spelling is allowable only in the player s Short Format box. In Complete Name box we are writing without diacritic marks typical for domestic language.

When you are adding new signed player to the team, check where was he playing before. Find his previous team at FL. Maybe he is already created but someone made mistake typing his name. We all made mistakes.


If you got doubts about any issue you can always Contact Us.

Enjoy your visit !