| | | 5:29 am CEST Fair 6C | | | | 11:29 pm CEST Fair 14C | |
Players to watch
Game Summary
⚽ Goals : El Jadeyaoui, Bourigeaud
| Vidal, Spano, Ninkov, David, Sirieix, Regattin, Brai'te. | | P Pinho, Fradj, Sylla, Lecoeuche, Nome'ry, Coulibaly, Chav'a. |
| Color References: GK, DF, DM, MF, FW , Unknown Pos |
| Player of the match | | | Ba |
Attendance: 12105 |
ToulouseBoucher | | Veskovac | | Grigore | | Moubandje | | A Akpro | | Trejo | | Aguilar | | Doumbia | | Sylla | | B Yedder | | Pešić, | | | Spano | Regattin | Brai'te |
| LensBelon | | Cavaré | | Landre | | Ba | | Baal | | Cyprien | | Bour'ud | | Valdivia | | E Jadeyaoui | | Guillaume | | N'Diaye | | | Fradj | Sylla | Nome'ry |
| Match too old for new votes