Sheffield United Blackburn Rovers

England The Championship 2018/2019

League - Matchday 25

29-Dec-18 15:00 hs ( local ) at Bramall Lane, Sheffield, England
Referee Taylor Linesmen Beswick, Nunn

Last Visitors Ratings:
My Line-upChelsea by Bolaboy
My Line-upChelsea by David
My Line-upLiverpool by Isaac Israel
My Line-up
My Line-upMan.Utd by Yash

06:00 AM GMT
Breezy 10C
02:00 PM GMT
Breezy 10C

Players to watch

Game Summary    

⚽ Goals : Sharp, McGoldrick 🟥 Red Card: Smallwood, Basham

Sheffield United     Blackburn Rovers


Squad - Campaign
3 : 0
Asst.Lowe, D

Campaign - Squad
Moore, Stearman, Cranie, Coutts, Clarke, Johnson, Wash'on.Leutwiler, Downing, Rodwell, Dack, Evans, Armstrong, Graham.

    Match Events        
Basham 9'
  22' Mulgrew Shot off right post
Stevens Shot off crossbar 26'    
Norwood 33'
Egan 50'
Basham 51'
Coutts for Duffy56'

59' Palmer    

69'Armstrong for Palmer

69'Dack for Brereton
Sharp 70'

71' Smallwood    
Sharp (McGo'ck)73'
Sharp (Stevens)77'
McGo'ck (Fleck)82'
McGo'ck 85'
Clarke for McGo'ck87'
Wash'on for Sharp87'
Sheff.Utd was 17 minutes ahead and 0 minutes down on score

    Color References:     GK, DF, DM, MF, FW , Unknown Pos
Player of the match
Man of the Match

    Match Stats
14Shots 10
5Shots on gol 1
18Fouls 9
6Corner Kicks 4
-Offsides 1
44Time % 56
27.6Age Avg 24.5
1.82Height Avg 1.81
1.91Height Max 1.91

Attendance: 27384

    Also in the Database
09-Sep-06 EPL 2006/2007 - M.4Sheff.Utd 0-0 Blackburn Dean
03-Feb-07 EPL 2006/2007 - M.26Blackburn 2-1 Sheff.Utd Marriner
03-Oct-18 Championship 2018/2019 - M.11LeagueBlackburn 0-2 Sheff.Utd Jones, R
27-Aug-19 League Cup 2019/2020 - M.2Second RoundSheff.Utd 2-1 Blackburn Eltringham
06-Nov-21 Championship 2021/2022 - M.17LeagueBlackburn 3-1 Sheff.Utd Langford
23-Feb-22 Championship 2021/2022 - M.34LeagueSheff.Utd 1-0 Blackburn Donohue
20-Aug-22 Championship 2022/2023 - M.5LeagueSheff.Utd 3-0 Blackburn Doughty
04-Mar-23 Championship 2022/2023 - M.35LeagueBlackburn 1-0 Sheff.Utd Smith, J
19-Mar-23 FA Cup 2022/2023 - M.12Quarter-finalsSheff.Utd 3-2 Blackburn Robinson, T
02-Nov-24 Championship 2024/2025 - M.13LeagueBlackburn 0-2 Sheff.Utd Langford
03-May-25 Championship 2024/2025 - M.46LeagueSheff.Utd - Blackburn