| | | 04:34 AM CEST few clouds 14C | | | | 08:04 PM CEST scattered clouds 23C | |
Players to watch
Last 5 games | | Sirius conceded 9 goals in the last 5 games | scored AVG 1 goals in last 5 | conceded AVG 1.80 goals in last 5 | Playing home has drawn their last 2 | Playing home is winless in their last 3 | |
| | conceded at least 1 goals in each of last 5 games | Norrköpin conceded 15 goals in the last 5 | scored AVG 1 goals in last 5 | conceded AVG 3 goals in last 5 | Norrköpin has lost their last 2 | Norrköpin is winless in their last 5 | Playing away has lost 2 of their last 3 | Playing away is winless in their last 3 | |
Game Summary
⚽ Goals : Lindberg, Milleskog, Salech, Sandberg
| Olsson, Sjögrell, Ljungberg, Wikman, Ekström, Ćelić, Murbeck, Martin, Alsanati. | | H Jansson, Sandberg, Björk, Khazeni, Baggesen, Andersson, Sögaard, Shabani, Sernelius. |
| Color References: GK, DF, DM, MF, FW , Unknown Pos |
Attendance: 6529 |
SiriusTann'er | | Castegren | | Nwadike | | Jeng | | Widgren | | Stensson | | Walta | | Milleskog | | Lindberg | | Heier | | Salech | | | Sjögrell | Olsson | Ljungberg | Ekström, |
| NorrköpinJansson | | Eid | | Eriksson | | Ssew'bo | | Kalley | | Ceesay | | Salihovic | | Trau'on | | Hamm'ti | | Nyman | | Prica | | | H Jansson | Sandberg | Björk, | Khazeni | Baggesen |
| Match too old for new votes