Australia Fielding

Adam Fielding

Born:0000-00-00Football Referee
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match Nice - Auxerre1.0 (1)
coachDEKirch5.0 (1)
coachDESchultz5.0 (5)
coachDESchultz5.0 (5)
coachDESchultz5.0 (5)

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List of games of referee Adam Fielding in A-League 2019/2020

Games on database
Matchday 32
Matchday 31 --- 1 game(s) w/o ref
Matchday 30
Matchday 29
Matchday 28
Matchday 27
Matchday 26
Matchday 25
Matchday 24
Matchday 23
Matchday 22
    29-Feb-20A-League Rounds - M.21Newc Jets 2:1 Perth Gl. 335
1     7420
Matchday 20
Matchday 19
    08A-League Rounds - M.18Bris Roar 2:1 Adel Utd 197
Matchday 17
    25-Jan-20A-League Rounds - M.16Centl Cst 0:1 Bris Roar 201
    19A-League Rounds - M.15West Syd 0:1 Perth Gl. 211
Matchday 14
    04A-League Rounds - M.13Sydney FC 2:1 Adel Utd 245
Matchday 12
    22-Dec-19A-League Rounds - M.11Centl Cst 2:1 Adel Utd 304
Matchday 10
Matchday 9
    01A-League Rounds - M.8Adel Utd 1:2 Well'ton 341
1     6207
Matchday 7
Matchday 6
Matchday 5
Matchday 4
Matchday 3
Matchday 2
Matchday 1
* Penalties given, not necessarily scored