Italy De Capua

Geremia Vincenzo De Capua

Born:0000-00-00Football Referee
Nola, Naples
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List of games of referee Geremia Vincenzo De Capua

Games on database
    14-Apr-19Serie D Girone I - M.31Rotonda 2:0 Roccella

1     400
    31-Mar-19Serie D Girone I - M.29Cittanov 2:1 CDMessina

1     400
    24-Feb-19Serie D Girone I - M.25Troina 1:1 Palmese

    10Serie D Girone I - M.23Rotonda 2:1 Locri

2     400
    21-Oct-18Serie D Girone I - M.6Castrovil 1:1 Roccella

* Penalties given, not necessarily scored