Peru Del Sante

Luis del Sante Montes

Born:0000-00-00Football Referee
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coachEnglandDerry3.0 (1)
coachITBarzagli3.0 (1)
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List of games of referee Luis del Sante Montes

Games on database
    27-Sep-23Copa Perú National Regular St. - M.3Nacional 2:1 Aurora

    24Copa Perú National Regular St. - M.2Lolo Fern 0:2 S Cáceres

    30-Jul-23Liga Femenina Descenso - Grupo B - M.3Melgar 3:2 Killas

1     ?
    24-Apr-23Liga Femenina Fase regular - M.4Melgar 1:1 Killas

* Penalties given, not necessarily scored