Brazil Dos Santos Oliveira

Marcio dos Santos Oliveira

Born:28-Aug-851985-08-28Football Referee Age: 39
Referee Since:2022
Referee FIFA Since:

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coachEnglandMcIntyre, C5.0 (1)
playerEnglandHeaven3.0 (1)
playerARGarnacho5.0 (2)
playerDKHøjlund3.3 (3)
playerPTBruno Fernandes4.1 (8)

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List of games of referee Marcio dos Santos Oliveira

Games on database
    22-Aug-24Brasileiro B M.22Avaí 1:0 Paysandu 234
    22-Jun-24Brasileiro B M.12Ituano 1:1 Brusque 228
1     1017
    18-May-24Brasileiro B M.6Goiás 4:0 Bota-SP 282
    27-Apr-24Brasileiro B M.2AméricaMG 2:0 Novorizon 312 1     2841

* Penalties given, not necessarily scored