CH FC Lugano

Cornaredo Stadium, Lugano

Go to Tournament - Season

FC Lugano


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FC Lugano Analysis at Super League 2019/2020

Players to watch
36 lineups analysed - Number represent player in starting lineup - Lineups not confirmed are not included.


DO Baumann, Noam (35)
CH Da Costa, D (1)

Right backs [ ?]

CI Yao, EK (11)
CH Lavanchy (5)
CH Untersee (1)
Centre backs [ ?]

CH Marić, Mijat (28)
HU Kecskés, Á (25)
CH Daprelà (25)
CH Sulmoni (6)
CI Yao, EK (4)
BA Pavlovic, Daniel (1)
BA Čovilo (1)
CH Custodio (1)
Left backs [ ?]

CH Obexer (7)
CH Lavanchy (6)
CH Daprelà (2)
CI Yao, EK (1)
BR Jefferson, N (1)
Right midfielders

CH Lavanchy (20)
CH Custodio (3)
CH Bottani (3)
IT Dalmonte (2)
BR Carlinhos Junior (2)
HU Holender (2)
HU Vécsei (1)
SE Gerndt (1)
CI Yao, EK (1)
CZ Macek, R (1)
Centre midfielders

CH Custodio (22)
SI Lovrić, S (17)
UY Sabbatini (16)
BA Čovilo (11)
HU Vécsei (8)
CL Rodríguez, Francisco (1995) (6)
CH Guidotti (6)
GH Selasi (3)
BR Carlinhos Junior (1)
Left midfielders

CH Aratore (16)
CI Yao, EK (5)
HU Vécsei (3)
BR Jefferson, N (3)
CH Bottani (2)
CH Daprelà (2)
CH Obexer (1)
CH Custodio (1)
HU Holender (1)
CH Lavanchy (1)
GH Selasi (1)

SE Gerndt (17)
HU Holender (12)
BR Carlinhos Junior (10)
UY Sabbatini (10)
CW Janga (9)
CH Bottani (6)
CH Lungoyi (4)
CH Aratore (2)
IT Dalmonte (2)
NG Sasere (1)
See also Injured/Banned players and Substitutions

Lineups found             Starting lineup changes since last game
July 2019
    Coach Celestini since 03-Oct-18
M.121-Jul away Zurich0-43-5-2
M.228-Jul Thun0-03-5-2 *** Repeat 11 ***
August 2019
M.304-Aug away YB Bern2-03-5-2 *** Repeat 11 ***
M.411-Aug Sion0-13-5-2In:C Junior, Holender, Out:Gerndt, Bottani,
M.525-Aug away St Gallen3-23-5-2In:Sulmoni, Out:Marić,
September 2019
M.601-Sep away Basel2-13-5-2In:Marić, Vécsei, Lovrić, Out:Sulmoni, Custodio, Rodr'z,
            18-Sep to 20-Sep Lovrić, S Uefa red card suspension from 2018/19 season
M.722-Sep Luzern1-14-3-2-1In:Custodio, Out:Lovrić,
M.826-Sep away Servette0-03-5-2In:Yao, EK, Obexer, Out:Daprelà, Aratore,
M.929-Sep Xamax0-14-3-2-1In:Dalmonte, Aratore, Out:Obexer, Holender,
October 2019
M.1006-Oct away Sion1-24-3-2-1In:Daprelà, Gerndt, Out:Kecskés, Aratore,
M.1120-Oct Zurich0-04-3-2-1In:Obexer, Bottani, Out:Lavanchy, Dalmonte,
M.1227-Oct St Gallen1-33-5-2In:Kecskés, Dalmonte, Rodr'z, Aratore, Holender, Out:Yao, EK, Obexer, Vécsei, Bottani, C Junior,
November 2019
    Coach Jacobacci since 29-Oct-19
M.1303-Nov away Luzern1-24-2-3-1In:Yao, EK, Lavanchy, Vécsei, C Junior, Out:Kecskés, Dalmonte, Rodr'z, Holender,
M.1410-Nov Basel0-34-2-3-1In:Dalmonte, Out:Sabbatini,
M.1524-Nov away Thun0-34-1-4-1In:Obexer, Lovrić, Bottani, Out:Yao, EK, Dalmonte, Gerndt,
December 2019
M.1601-Dec Servette1-04-1-4-1In:Yao, EK, Kecskés, Čovilo, Out:Marić, Custodio, Bottani,
M.1707-Dec away Xamax1-14-1-4-1In:Custodio, Holender, Out:Lovrić, C Junior,
M.1815-Dec YB Bern0-04-1-4-1In:Marić, C Junior, Out:Daprelà, Aratore,
January 2020
M.1926-Jan away St Gallen3-14-1-4-1In:Sulmoni, Lovrić, Bottani, Sabbatini, Aratore, Out:Yao, EK, Kecskés, Čovilo, Vécsei, C Junior,
February 2020
M.2001-Feb Xamax1-14-1-4-1In:Čovilo, Out:Lovrić,
M.2109-Feb away Thun3-24-2-3-1In:Yao, EK, Daprelà, Lovrić, Gerndt, Out:Lavanchy, Obexer, Sabbatini, Holender,
M.2216-Feb YB Bern2-14-2-3-1In:Lavanchy, Holender, Out:Marić, Bottani,
M.2323-Feb Sion0-04-2-3-1In:Selasi, Bottani, Out:Čovilo, Aratore,
June 2020
M.2421-Jun away Servette1-14-2-3-1In:Marić, Čovilo, Sabbatini, Janga, Out:Sulmoni, Selasi, Lovrić, Holender,
M.2524-Jun Luzern2-03-5-2In:Kecskés, Lovrić, Out:Sabbatini, Bottani,
M.2628-Jun away Zurich1-03-4-1-2In:Selasi, Sabbatini, Out:Čovilo, Custodio,
July 2020
M.2701-Jul Basel2-13-4-1-2In:Čovilo, Bottani, Out:Selasi, Gerndt,
M.2805-Jul away YB Bern3-03-4-1-2In:Guidotti, Jefferson, Holender, Sasere, Out:Marić, Čovilo, Janga, Bottani,
M.2909-Jul St Gallen3-33-4-1-2In:Pavlovic, Marić, Čovilo, Gerndt, Janga, Out:Daprelà, Lovrić, Jefferson, Holender, Sasere,
M.3012-Jul away Luzern3-33-4-1-2In:Daprelà, Lovrić, Selasi, Jefferson, Holender, Out:Pavlovic, Čovilo, Guidotti, Yao, EK, Gerndt,
M.3115-Jul Thun1-13-4-1-2In:Čovilo, Yao, EK, Gerndt, Out:Selasi, Jefferson, Holender,
M.3219-Jul away Sion1-13-5-2In:Guidotti, Custodio, Out:Čovilo, Sabbatini,
M.3322-Jul Zurich1-03-5-2In:Sabbatini, Lungoyi, Out:Gerndt, Janga,
M.3426-Jul away Basel4-43-4-1-2In:Čovilo, Jefferson, Holender, Out:Marić, Custodio, Yao, EK,
M.3531-Jul Servette3-13-4-1-2In:Marić, Custodio, Yao, EK, Gerndt, Out:Čovilo, Guidotti, Jefferson, Holender,
August 2020
M.3603-Aug away Xamax0-14-3-1-2In:D Costa, Untersee, Jefferson, Macek, Guidotti, Selasi, Janga, Out:Baumann, Marić, Daprelà, Lavanchy, Lovrić, Yao, EK, Gerndt,
    Color References:     GK, DF, DM, MF, FW , Unknown Pos

    CH Super League 2019/2020

Basel - Lugano - Luzern - Servette - Sion - St Gallen - Thun - Xamax - YB Bern - Zurich