PE Alianza Lima

Alejandro Villanueva, Lima

Go to Tournament - Season

Alianza Lima



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My Line-upMan.Utd by KelvinWong
refereeEnglandHooper1.2 (346)

Alianza Lima Used Players at Copa Libertadores 2018

6 LineUp(s) found - Counting starting lineups and substitutions.    
    AR Costa, T MF Box-to-Box midfielder6
    PE Cruzado MF Box-to-Box midfielder6
    UY PE Hohberg FW Either side wing/Attacking midfielder6
    PE Araujo, Miguel Out 30-JunDF Centre-back5
    PE Quevedo, K FW Right-wing/Left-wing5
    PE Campos, A Out 30-JunGK 4
    PE VE Ascues Out 30-JunDF Centre-back/Attacking midfielder4
    PE Duclos, F DF Centre-back4
    PE Garro, L DF Right-back4
    UY Godoy, G DF Centre-back4
    UY Lemos, Maxi MF 4
    PE Vílchez, O MF /Box-to-Box midfielder4
    PE Velarde, MA MF Attacking midfielder/Left-wing4
    UY Leyes, G Out 30-JunFW Striker4
    PE Fuentes, Aldair MF Defensive midfielder/Centre-back3
    PE Ramírez, Luis (1984) MF Box-to-Box midfielder3
    PE Pósito FW Striker3
    PE Prieto, Daniel GK 2
    PE Guidino DF 2
    PE Cotrina, J MF Defensive midfielder/Centre-back2
    PE Butron GK 1
    PE Gambetta DF Centre-back/Left-back1
    PE Marina, J MF 1
    PE Ferreyra, K FW Left-wing1
    PE Rojas, FR DF Centre-back/Right-back0
    PE Sánchez, Gonzalo FW Striker/Either side wing0

    24 players used

    conmebol Copa Libertadores 2018

Ali. Lima - ANacional - Atl. Tuc - Banfield - Boca - Bolivar - Carabobo - CD Lara - Cerro - Chapecoe - Colo Colo - Cor hians - Cruzeiro - Cusco - Defensor - Delfín - Emelec - Estud. LP - Flamengo - Grêmio - Guaraní - IDV - Indepte - J.Wilsman - Junior - Libertad - Macará - Melgar - Millos - Monagas - Nacional - Olimpia - Oriente P - Palmeiras - Peñarol - Racing - River - S.Wand - Santa Fe - Santos - Strongest - Táchira - U. Conce - U.Chile - Universit - Vasco - Wanderers