PE Alianza Lima

Alejandro Villanueva, Lima

For Reserves see Alianza Lima II

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Alianza Lima



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Sat Mar.29 - Primera Division Peruana - ADT vs Ali. Lima - Your Prediction?

Squad of Alianza Lima for Copa Generación 2021

Hide players that have left or changed #
# PlayerHeight AgePosition
PE Goicochea, J 1.8116FW     Striker/Right-wing
PE Montoya, J 1.7819DF     Centre-back/Right-back
PE Mesías, P 1.8018DF     Left-back

From Aug-21 To Dec-21 PE Aparicio, K ( U-18 )

Copa Generación 2021 squad         27-Sep-21 / 30-Nov-21

    PE Copa Generación 2021

Ali. Lima - Ayacucho - C. Unidos - Cantolao - Municipal - Pirata - Regatas L - S Cristal - Sp. Boys - UCV - Universit - USMP