PE Alianza Universidad de Huánuco

Heraclio Tapia, Huánuco

Go to Tournament - Season

Alianza Universidad de Huánuco



Last Visitors Ratings:
leagueuefaEuropa League 2024/20255.0 (1)
leagueuefaChampions League 2024/20255.0 (1)
leagueuefaEuropa Conference League 2024/20255.0 (1)
coachEnglandDawson, B4.0 (2)
My Line-upDortmund by David

Squad Changes between 01-Nov-23 and 31-Oct-24
The list is generated automatically. Please review player profiles if you notice something wrong or missing.

PE Santillán, RGK18 in 01-Jan-24
PE Díaz, RolandoFW24 in 02-Jan-24from PECusco Fútbol Club
PE Osorio, ARFW25 in 03-Jan-24from PEFC Carlos Stein
PE TalanchaMF20 in 04-Jan-24from PEMiguel Grau UDH
PE LeguíaFW22 in 08-Jan-24from PEComerciantes Unidos
PE Rodríguez, VCFW22 in 09-Jan-24from PEJuan Aurich
PE Rojas, Alexis (1996)FW27 in 10-Jan-24from PESport Huancayo
PE Peña, GDF31 in 11-Jan-24from PEDeportivo Coopsol
PE Mendoza, JPFW22 in 13-Jan-24from PEComerciantes Unidos
PE Quiñónez, BraulioDF19 in 27-Jan-24
PE Ampuero, BenjamínDF23 in 29-Jan-24loan from PEU. Cesar Vallejo
PE Oliva, YMF28 in 30-Jan-24from PECarlos A. Mannucci
PE VizaMF39 in 31-Jan-24from PEUniversidad de San Martín de Porres
PE Ynamine, PGK25 in 01-Feb-24from PEUniversidad de San Martín de Porres
PE ArrascoMF19 in 26-Feb-24loan from PEAlianza Lima
PE Fernández, AlexisMF23 in 09-May-24from PEMiguel Grau UDH
PE Sánchez, Sebastián (2005)MF18 in 02-Aug-24loan from PESporting Cristal
PE Enciso, SFW21 in 18-Aug-24loan from PEDeportivo Llacuabamba

PE Granda, JDF31 out 31-Dec-23to PEU. César Vallejo Moquegua
PE Schmidt, FranzDF23 out 31-Dec-23to PECusco Fútbol Club
PE Gonzales, JohanFW22 out 31-Dec-23to PEDeportivo Binacional
PE DezaFW30 out 31-Dec-23to PEAlianza Atletico
PE Cruzado, PFW21 out 31-Dec-23to PEPirata FC
PE Prieto, DanielGK28 out 31-Dec-23to PEAlianza Atletico
PE IngaMF24 out 31-Dec-23to PEDeportivo Municipal
PE CarabañoMF26 out 31-Dec-23to PELos Chankas
PE AivarMF35 out 31-Dec-23to PEAyacucho
PE Peña, GDF31 out 13-Aug-24to PEDeportivo Llacuabamba

    PE Segunda Division Peruana 2024

ADA Jaén - Alian UDH - Ayacucho - Binaciona - C. Stein - Cantolao - Comerc FC - Coopsol - Juan P II - Llacuabam - Municipal - Pirata - S. Marcos - Santos - UCV Moq - USMP