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América de Cali Analysis at Finalizacion 2021 Players to watch
26 lineups analysed - Number represent player in starting lineup - Lineups not confirmed are not included.
See also Injured/Banned players and Substitutions
Lineups found Starting lineup changes since last game | | | | | | | | | | Coach Osorio since 16-Jun-21 | M.1 | 17-Jul | | Junior | | 3-1 | 4-3-3 | | | M.2 | 24-Jul | away | Águilas | | 1-3 | 4-3-3 | In:Arrieta, Paz, LA, Torres, Ramos, Lucumí, Out:Andrade, Malagón, Batalla, Cortés, Rodr'z, | | M.3 | 01-Aug | away | Envigado | | 1-0 | 4-3-3 | In:Graterol, Andrade, Ortiz, Quin', , Ureña, Malagón, Out:Novoa, Arrieta, Segura, Mosquera, Paz, LA, Ramos, | | M.4 | 07-Aug | | O. Caldas | | 1-0 | 4-3-3 | In:Arrieta, Torres, Paz, LA, Hern'z, Ramos, Out:Andrade, Palacios, Malagón, Sierra, Torres, | | M.5 | 14-Aug | away | DIM | | 2-0 | 4-3-3 | In:Novoa, Segura, Andrade, Sierra, Out:Graterol, Ortiz, Ureña, Hern'z, | | M.6 | 20-Aug | | Patriotas | | 0-0 | 4-3-3 | In:Graterol, Montes, Ortiz, Mosquera, Carvajal, Gómez, Torres, Rodr'z, Out:Novoa, Arrieta, Segura, Quin', , Paz, LA, Sierra, Ramos, Lucumí, | | M.7 | 29-Aug | away | Santa Fe | | 1-1 | 4-2-3-1 | In:Paz, LA, Batalla, Lucumí, Out:Montes, Gómez, Rodr'z, | | M.8 | 04-Sep | | Quindío | | 0-1 | 4-3-3 | In:Novoa, Arrieta, Segura, Sierra, Gómez, Out:Graterol, Mosquera, Paz, LA, Batalla, Quin'z, | | M.9 | 11-Sep | away | Cali | | 0-1 | 3-4-3 | In:Malagón, Montes, Angulo, Mart'z, Batalla, Cortés, Out:Arrieta, Segura, Carvajal, Sierra, Lucumí, Gómez, | | M.10 | 18-Sep | | Jag.Cba | | 2-3 | 3-4-2-1 | In:Graterol, Palacios, Arrieta, Paz, LA, Mosquera, Quin'z, Gómez, Ramos, Out:Novoa, Torres, Malagón, Montes, Mart'z, Batalla, Cortés, Torres, | | M.11 | 25-Sep | away | B/manga | | 2-1 | 3-5-1-1 | In:Novoa, Torres, Sierra, Out:Graterol, Palacios, Gómez, | | M.12 | 02-Oct | | Huila | | 1-0 | 4-3-3 | In:Graterol, Segura, Lucumí, Rodr'z, Out:Novoa, Ortiz, Arrieta, Sierra, | | M.13 | 09-Oct | away | Millos | | 0-0 | 3-4-3 | In:Novoa, Ortiz, Arrieta, Out:Graterol, Torres, Rodr'z, | | M.14 | 16-Oct | | Cali | | 1-1 | 4-4-2 | In:Malagón, Rodr'z, Torres, Out:Andrade, Ortiz, Lucumí, | | M.15 | 24-Oct | | ANacional | | 0-2 | 4-3-3 | In:Graterol, Palacios, Torres, Lucumí, Hern'z, Gómez, Out:Novoa, Arrieta, Malagón, Angulo, Rodr'z, Torres, | | M.16 | 28-Oct | away | Tolima | | 0-1 | 4-3-3 | In:Novoa, Andrade, Ureña, Sierra, Out:Graterol, Palacios, Hern'z, Gómez, | | M.17 | 31-Oct | | Petrolera | | 1-1 | 4-3-3 | In:Arrieta, Quin', , Angulo, Batalla, Out:Mosquera, Ureña, Paz, LA, Lucumí, | | M.18 | 06-Nov | away | Equidad | | 2-1 | 3-4-3 | In:Graterol, Palacios, Ortiz, Paz, LA, Gómez, Out:Novoa, Arrieta, Segura, Quin', , Sierra, | | M.19 | 13-Nov | | Pasto | | 3-0 | 4-3-3 | In:Novoa, Arrieta, Sierra, Torres, Out:Graterol, Palacios, Gómez, Quin'z, | | M.20 | 21-Nov | away | Pereira | | 1-5 | 4-3-3 | In:Lucumí, Quin'z, Out:Sierra, Batalla, | | M.21 | 28-Nov | | Millos | | 2-1 | 4-3-3 | In:Graterol, Mosquera, Gómez, Out:Novoa, Ortiz, Torres, | | M.22 | 02-Dec | away | Tolima | | 2-0 | 4-3-1-2 | In:Palacios, Ortiz, Malagón, Ureña, Sierra, Batalla, Torres, Out:Torres, Mosquera, Paz, LA, Gómez, Quin'z, Ramos, Lucumí, | | M.23 | 05-Dec | away | Petrolera | | 2-1 | 4-3-3 | In:Novoa, Mosquera, Paz, LA, Lucumí, Quin'z, Ramos, Rodr'z, Out:Graterol, Ortiz, Malagón, Ureña, Sierra, Batalla, Torres, | | M.24 | 09-Dec | | Petrolera | | 2-1 | 4-3-3 | In:Torres, Ureña, Sierra, Batalla, Out:Palacios, Angulo, Lucumí, Quin'z, | | M.25 | 13-Dec | | Tolima | | 0-1 | 4-3-3 | In:Graterol, Angulo, Quin'z, Gómez, Out:Novoa, Ureña, Batalla, Rodr'z, | | M.26 | 16-Dec | away | Millos | | 2-1 | 5-3-2 | In:Novoa, Montes, Lucumí, Ureña, Torres, Out:Graterol, Arrieta, Angulo, Paz, LA, Quin'z, | | Color References: GK, DF, DM, MF, FW , Unknown Pos | |