AD Andorra

Estadi Nacional, Andorra la Vella

Go to Tournament - Season




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match Barcelona - Atalanta2.0 (1)
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Andorra Analysis at UEFA World Cup Qualifiers 2014

Players to watch
10 lineups analysed - Number represent player in starting lineup - Lineups not confirmed are not included.


AD Gómes (6)
AD Pol (4)

Right backs [ ?]

AD Nicolas (6)
AD Adrian Rodrígues (4)
Centre backs [ ?]

AD Lima, I (9)
AD Garcia, Emili (6)
AD Vales, M (6)
Left backs [ ?]

AD Marc García (10)
Right midfielders

AD Martínez, Cristian (1989) (6)
AD Pujol, M (3)
AD Lorenzo, I (1)
Centre midfielders

AD Vieira, Márcio (9)
AD Ayala, Josep (7)
AD Vales, M (2)
AD Clemente, L (2)
AD Pujol, M (2)
AD Peppe, Edu (2)
AD Lorenzo, I (2)
AD Gómez, Sebastián (1983) (1)
AD Sonejee (1)
Left midfielders

AD Moreira, V (4)
AD Sergio Moreno, (1987) (2)
AD Lorenzo, I (2)
AD Pujol, M (1)
AD Riera, G (1)

AD Gómez, Sebastián (1983) (4)
AD Silva, F (2)
AD Riera, G (2)
AD Lorenzo, I (1)
AD Pujol, M (1)
AD Peppe, Edu (1)
See also Injured/Banned players and Substitutions

Lineups found             Starting lineup changes since last game
    Coach Koldo since 02-Feb-10
M.107-Sep Hungary0-54-2-3-1
M.211-Sep away Romania4-04-2-3-1In:Ayala, Lorenzo, Gómez, Out:Vales, S Moreno, Silva,
M.312-Oct away Nth lands3-04-2-3-1In:Vales, Moreira, Out:Garcia, Clemente,
M.416-Oct Estonia0-14-2-3-1In:Nicolas, Silva, Out:A Rodr'es, Gómez,
M.522-Mar Turkey0-24-2-3-1In:Mart'z, Peppe, Gómez, Out:Pujol, Lorenzo, Silva,
M.626-Mar away Estonia2-04-2-3-1 *** Repeat 11 ***
M.906-Sep away Turkey5-05-4-1In:Pol, Garcia, Pujol, Lorenzo, Out:Gómes, Vieira, Peppe, Moreira,
M.1010-Sep Nth lands0-24-2-3-1In:Vieira, Riera, Out:Ayala, Gómez,
M.1111-Oct Romania0-44-4-2In:A Rodr'es, Ayala, S Moreno, Out:Nicolas, Lima, I, Lorenzo,
M.1215-Oct away Hungary2-04-2-3-1In:Nicolas, Lima, I, Sonejee, Lorenzo, Peppe, Out:A Rodr'es, Vales, Ayala, S Moreno, Pujol,
    Color References:     GK, DF, DM, MF, FW , Unknown Pos

    fifa UEFA World Cup Qualifiers 2014

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