AR Argentinos Juniors

Diego Armando Maradona, Villa General Mitre, Capital Federal

Go to Tournament - Season

Argentinos Juniors

El Bicho


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playerGRBallas1.5 (2)
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Fri Mar.14 - Apertura - Arg.Jrs vs Aldosivi - Your Prediction?

Argentinos Juniors Analysis at Apertura 2007

Players to watch
19 lineups analysed - Number represent player in starting lineup - Lineups not confirmed are not included.


AR Navarro, N (18)
AR Carrera (1)

Right backs [ ?]

AR Barzola (14)
AR Fleitas (4)
AR Prósperi (1)
Centre backs [ ?]

UY Scotti (16)
AR Sabia (11)
AR Caruzzo (10)
AR Fleitas (1)
Left backs [ ?]

AR Escudero, Sergio (1983) (15)
AR Seltzer (2)
UY Pereira, Alvaro (1)
AR Sabia (1)
Right midfielders

AR Cabrera, Martin (12)
AR Barzola (4)
AR Mercier (2)
AR Peñalba (1)
Centre midfielders

AR Battión (17)
PY Ortigoza (14)
AR Peñalba (5)
AR Romero, Daniel (1980) (1)
AR Mercier (1)
Left midfielders

UY Pereira, Alvaro (18)
AR Romero, Daniel (1980) (1)

AR Hauche (15)
AR Delorte (15)
AR Saucedo, N (3)
AR Gianni, N (2)
AR Aban (2)
AR Niell (1)
See also Injured/Banned players and Substitutions

Lineups found             Starting lineup changes since last game
    Coach Caruso since 15-Jan-07
M.104-Aug S.M. SJ0-14-3-1-2
M.212-Aug Boca3-24-4-2In:Scotti, Barzola, Ortigoza, Delorte, Out:Caruzzo, Mercier, Hauche, Saucedo,
M.317-Aug away Gsia. LP0-24-4-2In:Prósperi, Saucedo, Out:Fleitas, Gianni,
M.425-Aug Indepte0-14-4-2In:Fleitas, Romero, Out:Prósperi, Escudero,
M.529-Aug away Huracán3-24-4-2In:Escudero, Aban, Hauche, Out:Romero, Saucedo, Delorte,
M.601-Sep Colón2-14-4-2In:Caruzzo, Cabrera, Delorte, Out:Fleitas, Escudero, Aban,
    Coach Zapata since 02-Sep-07
M.707-Sep away Olimpo1-14-4-2In:Escudero, Out:Caruzzo,
    Coach Gorosito since 10-Sep-07
M.811-Sep Banfield2-04-4-2 *** Repeat 11 ***
M.915-Sep away Gsia.Jujuy1-14-4-2In:Peñalba, Aban, Niell, Out:Ortigoza, Delorte, Hauche,
M.1022-Sep Newells4-04-4-2In:Ortigoza, Hauche, Delorte, Out:Peñalba, Aban, Niell,
M.1130-Sep away S.Lorenzo2-14-4-2In:Carrera, Fleitas, Out:Navarro, Sabia,
M.1203-Oct River4-14-4-2In:Navarro, Caruzzo, Sabia, Peñalba, Out:Carrera, Scotti, Fleitas, Ortigoza,
M.1307-Oct away Estud. LP3-04-4-2In:Ortigoza, Out:Peñalba,
M.1420-Oct Racing1-04-4-2In:Scotti, Seltzer, Out:Sabia, Escudero,
M.1505-Nov away Vélez3-04-2-3-1In:Romero, Peñalba, Out:Battión, Delorte,
M.1611-Nov Arsenal S4-04-4-2In:Escudero, Battión, Delorte, Out:Seltzer, Romero, Peñalba,
M.1725-Nov away Lanús0-04-4-2In:Mercier, Peñalba, Out:Cabrera, Ortigoza,
M.1802-Dec Tigre1-04-4-2In:Cabrera, Out:Mercier,
M.1907-Dec away R.Central1-14-4-2In:Mercier, Ortigoza, Out:Cabrera, Battión,
    Color References:     GK, DF, DM, MF, FW , Unknown Pos

    AR Apertura 2007

Arg.Jrs - Arsenal S - Banfield - Boca - Colón - Estud. LP - Gsia. LP - Gsia.Jujuy - Huracán - Indepte - Lanús - Newells - Olimpo - R.Central - Racing - River - S.Lorenzo - S.M. SJ - Tigre - Vélez