AR Atletico Tucumán

Jose Fierro, San Miguel de Tucumán, Tucumán

Go to Tournament - Season

Atletico Tucumán

El decano


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Sat Nov.09 - Primera División - Unión vs Atl. Tuc - Your Prediction?

Squad Changes between 02-Jun-18 and 02-Jun-19
The list is generated automatically. Please review player profiles if you notice something wrong or missing.

AR Bianchi, Bruno (1989)DF30 in from ARNewells Old Boys
UY Abero, MDF29 in from ARTigre
AR KaprofFW24 in from ARDefensa y Justicia
AR MercierMF39 in from ARSan Lorenzo
PY Rojas, TomásMF22 in loan from PYSol de América
AR MatosFW36 in 05-Jul-18from ARChacarita Juniors
AR San RománDF31 in 15-Jul-18from ARNewells Old Boys
AR Noir, RFW32 in 26-Jul-18loan from ARHuracán
AR Barrios, PierDF28 in 07-Aug-18from Unattached
AR Isa LunaFW17 in 01-Jan-19
AR PomboMF24 in 01-Jan-19from ARJuventud Unida Gualeguaychú
AR Carrera, RMF25 in 01-Jan-19from CLUnión Española

AR Zárate, NDF26 out
AR VillagraDF33 out
AR RomatDF30 out to NLFC Den Bosch
UY García, Rafael (1989)DF30 out to UYNacional
AR Blanco, IFW36 out to ARCA Mitre SdE
UY AffonsoFW27 out to PEAlianza Lima
AR HechalarFW30 out to ECDelfín Sporting Club
AR Batalla, AGK22 out to ARTigre
AR Valdez, DMF26 out to ARCA Mitre SdE
AR Melo, AlejandroMF23 out to ARGimnasia y Esgrima de La Plata
AR BalliniMF30 out to ARVilla Dalmine
UY Freitas, GMF27 out to UYPeñarol
AR Grahl, FMF27 out loan to ARSan Martín de San Juan
AR MilocMF28 out to ARAldosivi
AR Rodríguez, Luis (1985)FW34 out 31-Dec-18to ARColón de Santa Fe
AR Sanna, MFW22 out 31-Dec-18to ITAcireale
AR Acosta, GuillermoMF30 out 31-Dec-18loan to ARLanus
AR Alvarez, FabioMF26 out 06-May-19loan to USLA Galaxy

    AR Copa de la Superliga 2019

Aldosivi - Arg.Jrs - Atl. Tuc - Banfield - Belgrano - Boca - Colón - Def y Jus - Estud. LP - Godoy Cruz - Gsia. LP - Huracán - Indepte - Lanús - Newells - Patronato - R.Central - Racing - River - S.Lorenzo - S.M. SJ - S.M. Tuc - Tall. Cba - Tigre - Unión - Vélez