Wales Bala Town

Maes Tegid, Bala

Go to Tournament - Season

Bala Town

The Lakesiders


Last Visitors Ratings:
match Tolima - ANacional3.0 (1)
My Line-upTottenham by 09056112072
My Line-upTottenham by Cody
My Line-upMan.Utd by Isaac
My Line-upPSG by 09056112072

Thu Dec.26 - Welsh Premier League - Aberystwy vs Bala Town - Your Prediction?

Squad Changes between 29-May-20 and 29-May-21
The list is generated automatically. Please review player profiles if you notice something wrong or missing.

Wales PeateDF29 in from WalesCefn Druids
PT Raúl CorreiaFW27 in from EnglandSouthport
Wales Morris, LlyrFW24 in
Wales Evans, W (1997)FW23 in from WalesCardiff Metropolitan FC
Wales Ramsay, AGK27 in from WalesRhyl FC
Wales GossetMF25 in from Unattached
England KayMF37 in from EnglandPort Vale
England Davies, Liam (1996)MF24 in 30-Sep-20from EnglandCurzon Ashton

England Robles, LouisFW24 out to WalesThe New Saints
England TibbettsGK22 out to WalesCaernarfon Town

    Wales Welsh Premier League 2020/2021

Aberystwy - Bala Town - Barry - Caernarfn - Card Met - Cefn Drds - Connahs - Flint - Havfdwest - Newtown - Penybont - TNS