AR Banfield

Florencio Sola, Banfield, Buenos Aires

Go to Tournament - Season


El Taladro


Last Visitors Ratings:
match O. Caldas - Millos2.0 (1)
coachITBrocchi5.0 (5)
coachITBrocchi5.0 (5)
coachITBrocchi5.0 (5)
coachITBrocchi5.0 (5)

Mon Mar.17 - Apertura - Unión vs Banfield - Your Prediction?

Squad Changes between 08-Dec-20 and 08-Dec-21
The list is generated automatically. Please review player profiles if you notice something wrong or missing.

AR Villagra, ClaudioFW24 in 01-Jan-21from PESport Boys
AR Santilli, GinoGK18 in 01-Jan-21
AR Sotelo, MDF16 in 01-Feb-21
AR Di LucianoDF15 in 01-Feb-21
AR Amaya, AbelDF17 in 01-Feb-21
AR Quirós, ADF18 in 01-Feb-21
AR Pérez, MateoDF19 in 01-Feb-21
AR Rodríguez, JI (2000)DF17 in 01-Feb-21
AR TancoDF20 in 01-Feb-21
AR Quiroga, Federico (2003)DF16 in 01-Feb-21
AR Fredes, MDF19 in 01-Feb-21
AR Enrique, RFW18 in 01-Feb-21
AR Ayala, Victor (2004)FW15 in 01-Feb-21
AR Villagra, Nicolás (2002)FW17 in 01-Feb-21
AR Ibáñez, FFW17 in 01-Feb-21
AR Ovejero, AFW18 in 01-Feb-21
AR EseizaFW17 in 01-Feb-21
AR Vila, FacundoGK16 in 01-Feb-21
AR Rodríguez, Ignacio (2002)MF17 in 01-Feb-21
AR Villegas, LautaroMF16 in 01-Feb-21
AR PucaMF16 in 01-Feb-21
AR Ríos, LMF19 in 01-Feb-21
AR CantoDF25 in from ARPatronato de Parana
AR CambesesGK22 in from ARHuracán
AR Barbero, VMF19 in from ARBelgrano Cordoba
AR MiceliMF22 in from ARNueva Chicago
US SoñoraMF23 in from ARTalleres de Cordoba
AR Flores, Leonardo (1997)DF22 in 30-Jul-21from ARAtlanta
AR DomingoMF34 in 21-Aug-21from PYOlimpia

AR BenegaMF20 out 31-Dec-20loan to ARGuillermo Brown
AR ArcieroDF26 out 26-Jan-21to FISJK
AR Bravo, Claudio (1997)DF22 out 31-Jan-21to USPortland Timbers
AR Villagra, ClaudioFW24 out 31-Jan-21loan to ARTemperley
AR Rodríguez, Jorge (1995)MF24 out 31-Jan-21to AREstudiantes de La Plata
AR Fontana, AgustínFW23 out 15-Feb-21to ARRiver Plate
AR BertoloMF34 out 17-Feb-21to ARPlatense
AR Asenjo, MFW25 out 18-Feb-21to ARIndependiente Rivadavia
AR López, Michael (1997ar)FW22 out 05-Mar-21to BYFC Minsk
CO Arboleda, IGK23 out 21-Jun-21to Unattached
AR Gómez, LucianoDF23 out loan to ARArgentinos Juniors
AR Torres, FedericoDF20 out to ARTalleres de Cordoba
AR BordagarayFW32 out to ARBelgrano Cordoba
AR JonásMF36 out to ARAlmagro
AR PayeroMF21 out to EnglandMiddlesbrough

    AR Copa Argentina 2019/2020

Aldosivi - Arg.Jrs - Arsenal S - Atl. Tuc - B. Unidos - Banfield - Boca - C Cba SdE - Cañuelas - Chaco - Cipollett - Colón - D.Haig - Def y Jus - Def.Belg - Def.Pronu - Dock Sud - Estd R.IV - Estud. LP - Estud.SL - Godoy Cruz - Gsia. LP - HLH - Huracán - Indepte - Instituto - JJUrquiza - Laferrere - Lanús - Madryn - Newells - Patronato - PeñarolSJ - Platense - R.Central - Racing - Riestra - River - S. Carlos - S.Lorenzo - S.M. SJ - San Telmo - Sarmiento - Spor.Barr - Tall. Cba - Tall. RE - Temperley - Tigre - Unión - Vélez