EC Barcelona Sp

Monumental Isidro Romero, Guayaquil

Go to Tournament - Season

Barcelona Sp



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Tue Apr.01 - Copa Libertadores - Barcelona EC vs EC IDV - Your Prediction?

Barcelona Sp Yellow and Red Cards in Copa Sudamericana 2012

Sent off MinGame
EC Caicedo, Luis (1979)6928-Aug-12 Cobreloa 0 - Barcelona Sp 0
EC Oyola, R5208-Aug-12 Barcelona Sp 5 - Deportivo Táchira 1

Points convention: Red Cards 3 points, Yellow Cards 1 point
List generated automatically from posted lineups

DetailRed CardsYellow CardsPoints
EC Oyola, R125
EC Caicedo, Luis (1979)114
EC Quiñonez, Michael-22
AR Saucedo, Pablo (1982)-22
EC Matamoros-22
EC Perlaza, J L-11
EC Banguera-11
EC Gruezo-11
EC Arroyo, M-11
EC de la Torre, B-11
EC Valarezo, V-11
                       Totals     (League Totals)21521

Red cards conceded against Barcelona Sp

Sent off
CL González, Rodolfo
BR Tony, Maraial

    conmebol Copa Sudamericana 2012

Arg.Jrs - Atl-GO - Aurora - Bahia - Barcelona - Blooming - Boca - Botafogo - C.Largo - CD Lara - Cerro - Cobreloa - Colón - Comercio - Coritiba - D. Quito - Danubio - Emelec - Envigado - Equidad - Figuei se - Grêmio - Guaraní - Indepte - Inti Gas - Iquique - L.Huánuco - LDU Loja - Liverpool - Millos - Mineros - Monagas - Nacional - OHiggins - Olimpia - Oriente P - Palmeiras - Racing - São Paulo - Tacuary - Táchira - Tigre - Tolima - U.C. - U.Chile - U.Sucre - USMP