IT Bologna

Renato Dall Ara, Bologna

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Sat Mar.29 - Serie A - Venezia vs Bologna - Your Prediction?

Bologna Analysis at Serie A 2013/2014

Players to watch
38 lineups analysed - Number represent player in starting lineup - Lineups not confirmed are not included.


IT Curci (37)
MK Stojanović, Dejan (1)

Right backs [ ?]

AT Garics (9)
DK Sørensen, FH (2)
ES Crespo, JA (1)
Centre backs [ ?]

SE Antonsson (32)
IT Natali (32)
IT Mantovani (12)
IT Cherubin (12)
DK Sørensen, FH (11)
AT Garics (2)
SI Krhin (1)
Left backs [ ?]

IT Morleo (5)
SK Cech, M (1983) (4)
IT Cherubin (2)
IT Mantovani (1)
Right midfielders

AT Garics (21)
GR Kone, P (9)
ES Crespo, JA (6)
GR Christodoulopoulos (1)
IT Moscardelli (1)
Centre midfielders

SI Krhin (22)
UY Pérez, Diego (18)
IT Pazienza (17)
GR Kone, P (15)
GR Christodoulopoulos (13)
IT Diamanti (12)
UY Laxalt, D (5)
SE Friberg, E (4)
AR Cristaldo (3)
IT Della Rocca, F (2)
BR Ibson (2)
SK Cech, M (1983) (1)
Left midfielders

IT Morleo (23)
IT Della Rocca, F (4)
GR Christodoulopoulos (3)
UY Laxalt, D (3)
SK Cech, M (1983) (3)
IT Mantovani (1)
SI Krhin (1)

IT Bianchi (20)
AR Cristaldo (16)
IT Diamanti (7)
IT Moscardelli (6)
IT Acquafresca (6)
GR Kone, P (4)
GR Christodoulopoulos (3)
SE Friberg, E (1)
UY Laxalt, D (1)
See also Injured/Banned players and Substitutions

Lineups found             Starting lineup changes since last game
August 2013
    Coach Pioli since 04-Oct-11
M.125-Aug away Napoli3-04-2-3-1
September 2013
M.201-Sep Sampdoria2-24-3-1-2In:Mosc'li, Out:Chri'os,
M.315-Sep away Udinese1-14-3-1-2In:Pazienza, Out:Krhin,
M.422-Sep Torino1-24-3-1-2 *** Repeat 11 ***
            23-Sep to 06-Oct Natali F.J. ban for insulting and blasphemy (3 matches)
            23-Sep to 26-Sep Kone, P yellow card ban (1 match)
M.525-Sep Milan3-34-2-3-1In:Mantovani, Morleo, Pérez, Chri'os, Laxalt, Cristaldo, Out:Natali, Cech, Kone, P, D Rocca, Bianchi, Mosc'li,
M.629-Sep away Roma5-04-2-3-1In:Kone, P, Out:Chri'os,
October 2013
            02-Oct to 25-Oct Pazienza left rectus femoris muscle strain
            03-Oct to 02-Nov Giménez, Henry nasal fracture
M.706-Oct H.Verona1-44-3-1-2In:Sore'n, D Rocca, Bianchi, Out:Mantovani, Pazienza, Laxalt,
            13-Oct to 12-Nov Stojanović, Dejan fractured left hand
M.820-Oct away Sassuolo2-13-5-1-1In:Natali, Mantovani, Crespo, Krhin, Laxalt, Cech, Out:Garics, Antonsson, Morleo, Pérez, D Rocca, Bianchi,
M.927-Oct Livorno1-03-5-1-1 *** Repeat 11 ***
            28-Oct to 31-Oct Diamanti yellow card ban (1 match)
M.1030-Oct away Cagliari0-33-5-1-1In:Garics, Pazienza, Morleo, Out:Crespo, Cech, Diamanti,
November 2013
M.1104-Nov Chievo0-03-5-1-1In:Antonsson, Diamanti, Out:Natali, Mantovani,
            08-Nov to 10-Nov Pazienza yellow card ban (1 match)
            08-Nov to 10-Nov Pérez, Diego yellow card ban (1 match)
M.1210-Nov away Atalanta2-13-5-1-1In:Crespo, Out:Pazienza,
            14-Nov to 16-Nov Kone, P yellow card ban (1 match)
M.1324-Nov Inter1-13-4-2-1In:Natali, Pérez, Out:Crespo, Laxalt,
M.1430-Nov away Parma1-13-4-2-1In:Chri'os, Bianchi, Out:Diamanti, Cristaldo,
December 2013
            05-Dec to 08-Dec Sørensen, FH red card ban (1 match)
M.1506-Dec Juventus0-23-4-2-1In:Mantovani, Diamanti, Out:Sore'n, Chri'os,
M.1615-Dec away Fiorentina3-04-2-3-1In:Pazienza, Laxalt, Cristaldo, Out:Mantovani, Pérez, Bianchi,
M.1722-Dec Genoa1-03-4-1-2In:Mantovani, Pérez, Mosc'li, Out:Antonsson, Pazienza, Laxalt,
January 2014
            04-Jan to 06-Jan Diamanti yellow card ban (1 match)
            04-Jan to 06-Jan Garics yellow card ban (1 match)
M.1806-Jan away Catania2-04-2-3-1In:Crespo, Antonsson, D Rocca, Out:Garics, Krhin, Diamanti,
    Coach Regno since 08-Jan-14
    Coach Ballardini since 08-Jan-14
            10-Jan to 13-Jan Della Rocca, F yellow card ban (1 match)
            10-Jan to 13-Jan Mantovani yellow card ban (1 match)
M.1911-Jan Lazio0-03-5-1-1In:Cherubin, Garics, Pazienza, Chri'os, Diamanti, Bianchi, Out:Crespo, Mantovani, Pérez, D Rocca, Mosc'li, Cristaldo,
M.2019-Jan Napoli2-23-5-1-1In:Pérez, Out:Chri'os,
            24-Jan to 26-Jan Kone, P red card ban (1 match)
M.2126-Jan away Sampdoria1-13-5-1-1In:Chri'os, Out:Kone, P,
February 2014
M.2201-Feb Udinese0-23-5-1-1In:Kone, P, Out:Chri'os,
            07-Feb to 09-Feb Kone, P yellow card ban (1 match)
            07-Feb to 09-Feb Moscardelli yellow card ban (1 match)
M.2309-Feb away Torino1-23-5-1-1In:Mantovani, Krhin, Chri'os, Cristaldo, Out:Cherubin, Kone, P, Pazienza, Diamanti,
M.2414-Feb away Milan1-03-5-1-1 *** Repeat 11 ***
            21-Feb to 24-Feb Pérez, Diego yellow card ban (1 match)
M.2522-Feb Roma0-13-5-1-1In:Cherubin, Kone, P, Out:Mantovani, Pérez,
March 2014
M.2602-Mar away H.Verona0-03-5-1-1In:Mantovani, Pérez, Out:Cherubin, Cristaldo,
            07-Mar to 09-Mar Cristaldo red card ban (1 match), 2nd yellow
            07-Mar to 09-Mar Morleo yellow card ban (1 match)
M.2709-Mar Sassuolo0-03-5-1-1In:Cherubin, Crespo, Ibson, Out:Garics, Morleo, Kone, P,
M.2816-Mar away Livorno2-13-5-2In:Kone, P, Morleo, Acqu'ca, Cristaldo, Out:Cherubin, Crespo, Ibson, Bianchi,
            21-Mar to 23-Mar Krhin yellow card ban (1 match)
M.2923-Mar Cagliari1-04-3-1-2In:Sore'n, Cherubin, Garics, Friberg, Bianchi, Out:Mantovani, Kone, P, Krhin, Morleo, Cristaldo,
M.3026-Mar away Chievo3-04-3-1-2In:Morleo, Pazienza, Krhin, Out:Antonsson, Pérez, Friberg,
M.3129-Mar Atalanta0-24-4-2In:Antonsson, Crespo, Pérez, Mosc'li, Out:Sore'n, Morleo, Pazienza, Bianchi,
April 2014
M.3205-Apr away Inter2-23-4-2-1In:Mantovani, Pazienza, Cech, Kone, P, Cristaldo, Out:Cherubin, Crespo, Pérez, Mosc'li, Acqu'ca,
M.3313-Apr Parma1-13-5-1-1In:Cherubin, Friberg, Morleo, Out:Mantovani, Krhin, Cech,
M.3419-Apr away Juventus1-03-5-1-1In:Sore'n, Ibson, Out:Natali, Kone, P,
M.3526-Apr Fiorentina0-33-5-1-1In:Natali, Krhin, Kone, P, Acqu'ca, Out:Sore'n, Ibson, Friberg, Cristaldo,
May 2014
M.3604-May away Genoa0-03-5-1-1In:Friberg, Bianchi, Out:Pazienza, Acqu'ca,
            11-May relegated to Serie B
M.3711-May Catania1-23-5-1-1In:Sore'n, Out:Cherubin,
M.3818-May away Lazio1-03-4-3In:Stoj'c, Cherubin, Crespo, Pazienza, Cech, Mosc'li, Acqu'ca, Laxalt, Out:Curci, Antonsson, Garics, Friberg, Krhin, Chri'os, Kone, P, Bianchi,
    Color References:     GK, DF, DM, MF, FW , Unknown Pos

    IT Serie A 2013/2014

Atalanta - Bologna - Cagliari - Catania - Chievo - Fiorentina - Genoa - H.Verona - Inter - Juventus - Lazio - Livorno - Milan - Napoli - Parma - Roma - Sampdoria - Sassuolo - Torino - Udinese