FR FC Girondins de Bordeaux

Matmut Atlantique, Bordeaux

Go to Tournament - Season

FC Girondins de Bordeaux

Les Girondins


Last Visitors Ratings:
coachEnglandMcIntyre, C5.0 (1)
playerEnglandHeaven3.0 (1)
playerARGarnacho5.0 (2)
playerDKHøjlund3.3 (3)
playerPTBruno Fernandes4.1 (8)

FC Girondins de Bordeaux Injured Players in Ligue 1 2016/2017

Tournament dates: 12-Aug-16 to 20-May-17

PosPlayer Days From To Injury / Ban
DF YU Jovanović, Vukašin 2 08-Nov-16 10-Nov-16     Red card ban
DF YU Jovanović, Vukašin 9 07-Nov-16 16-Nov-16     Called up to Serbia U-21 national team
DF YU Jovanović, Vukašin 9 03-Oct-16 12-Oct-16     Called up to Serbia U-21 national team
FW UY Rolán 2 23-Sep-16 25-Sep-16     card suspension

To add / edit injuries go to the Player screen

    FR Ligue 1 2016/2017

Angers - ASSE - Bastia - Bordeaux - Caen - Dijon - Guingamp - Lille - Lorient - Lyon - Marseille - Metz - Monaco - Montpelr - Nancy - Nantes - Nice - PSG - Rennes - Toulouse