UY Cerro

Luis Tróccoli, Montevideo

Go to Tournament - Season




Last Visitors Ratings:
match Millos - DIM3.0 (1)
My Line-upLiverpool by Charlotte
My Line-upR.Madrid by Emmanuel Lartey
My Line-upNewcastle by Marc
playerEnglandDouglas3.0 (1)

Squad Changes between 09-Nov-18 and 09-Nov-19
The list is generated automatically. Please review player profiles if you notice something wrong or missing.

UY Moreira, KDF21 in 01-Jan-19
UY Hernández, Jorge (1997)DF21 in 01-Jan-19
UY PizzornoDF26 in 01-Jan-19from CLUnión Española
UY Andrade, FFW18 in 01-Jan-19
UY Machado, AlexanderFW16 in 01-Jan-19
UY Pintos, GMFW20 in 01-Jan-19
UY Roldán, RNFW20 in 01-Jan-19from UYVilla Teresa
UY Formento, RGK19 in 01-Jan-19
UY Puente, FMF24 in 01-Jan-19from UYVilla Teresa
UY Santana, NMF22 in 01-Jan-19
UY Tancredi, JLMF35 in 03-Jan-19from UYAlbion
UY Izquierdo, RDF26 in 04-Jan-19from MXClub Zacatepec
UY BrasilDF19 in 06-Jan-19loan from UYRampla Juniors
UY González, RMDF24 in 06-Jan-19loan from UYLiverpool Montevideo
UY Techera, CLGK26 in 06-Jan-19from UYProgreso
UY Viera, SantiagoMF20 in 07-Jan-19loan from UYLiverpool Montevideo
UY Olivera, PFW31 in 13-Jan-19from UYMontevideo City Torque
UY Furtado, LDF20 in 17-Jan-19
UY Pintos, JMF23 in 23-Jan-19from UYProgreso
UY CasasFW23 in 07-Feb-19from UYSud América
UY Alonso, FDDF27 in 20-Apr-19from Unattached
UY BentaberryDF22 in from UYDanubio

UY Nuñez, ChrDF36 out 30-Dec-18to UYLiverpool Montevideo
UY ZazpeDF24 out 30-Dec-18to UYRacing Club Montevideo
UY Rodríguez, GDF34 out 30-Dec-18to PEUniversitario de Deportes
UY Izquierdo, JMDF21 out 30-Dec-18to UYPeñarol
UY González, Daniel (1997)FW21 out 30-Dec-18to UYDefensor Sporting
UY Acevedo, LMFW22 out 30-Dec-18to UYPeñarol
UY Torres, DarwinDF27 out 31-Dec-18to MXCorrecaminos UAT
UY CigandaFW25 out 31-Dec-18to PEDeportivo Coopsol
UY Irrazábal, YGK30 out 31-Dec-18to MXTampico Madero
UY TamareoMF27 out 31-Dec-18to UYMiramar Misiones
UY Paiva, LMF24 out 31-Dec-18to ARArgentinos Juniors
UY Hernández, AnibalMF32 out 31-Dec-18to CODeportes Quindío
UY PizzornoDF26 out to ESBurgos CF

    conmebol Copa Sudamericana 2019

ANacional - Antofa - Arg.Jrs - At.-MG - Águilas - Bahia - Binaciona - Botafogo - Cali - Caracas - Católica - CD Lara - Cerro - Chapecoe - Colón - Colo Colo - Cor hians - Def y Jus - E. Mérida - Equidad - Fluminense - Guabirá - Guaraní - Huancayo - IDV - Indepte - Indpte PY - La Calera - Liverpool - Macará - Melgar - Mineros - Monagas - Municipal - Mushuc R - N. Potosí - O. Caldas - Oriente P - Palestino - Peñarol - Racing - River (U) - RoyalPari - S Cristal - Santaní - Santos - Sol - Tolima - U.C. - Unión - Unión - UTC - Wanderers - Zulia