PE Ecosem Pasco

Daniel Alcides Carrión, Cerro de Pasco

Go to Tournament - Season

Ecosem Pasco


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My Line-upPSG by 09056112072
match Man.City - Man.Utd5.0 (1)

Ecosem Pasco Used Players at Copa Perú 2023

1 LineUp(s) found - Counting starting lineups and substitutions.    
    PE Peña, Alberth in 20-MarGK 1
    PE Anglas DF 1
    PE Jiménez, V DF 1
    PE Martínez, Juan Diego DF 1
    PE Mendoza, Fernando DF 1
    PE Zevallos DF Right-back1
    PE Díaz, Irvin MF 1
    PE Espinoza, V MF Left-midfield1
    PE Manco in 13-AugMF Attacking midfielder1
    PE Medina, César in 20-MarMF Attacking midfielder/Right-wing1
    PE Ramírez, Renato MF /Defensive midfielder1
    PE Ricaldi, J MF 1
    PE Villena MF 1
    PE Meléndez, Quillian FW Striker1
    PE Rengifo, Sandro in 15-AprFW 1
    PE Bernabé, M GK 0
    PE Dávila, P in 12-SepDF Left-back0
    PE Gutarra, J DF 0
    PE Kaufman, M DF Centre-back0
    PE Martínez, Pedro (1999) in 01-MarFW Striker0

    15 players used

    PE Copa Perú 2023

ADA Jaén - AJI Calca - Ali Pisco - Aurora - BJ Choza - Cajamarca - Calidad P - Castle - CESA - Chanchama - Crist Rey - Cubillas - D Rojos H - D Vianney - Def Tacna - Diablos R - DPorvenir - Ecosem - EGB Tacna - Hijos A P - Hospital - Huracán C - I Huachog - Inter FC - J La Joya - Juan P II - La Masía - Lolo Fern - M. Grau - Maristas - MChallhua - Mun Jazán - Nacional - Olimpia U - Palmeiras - PdC Ríos - RA Nueva - RPacífico - S Cáceres - S. Marcos - St Áncash - Tahuishco - Tarapoto - Tiro Nº28 - Tournavis - U Ángeles - UCV Moq - Ugarte Ch - Unión SD - VRAEM