PE U. Cesar Vallejo

Estadio Mansiche, Trujillo

Go to Tournament - Season

U. Cesar Vallejo



Last Visitors Ratings:
playerNLTimber3.5 (2)
coachPTJoão Pereira, (1984)5.0 (5)
coachPTJoão Pereira, (1984)5.0 (5)
coachPTJoão Pereira, (1984)5.0 (5)
coachPTJoão Pereira, (1984)5.0 (5)

Scores, Results and Fixture of U. Cesar Vallejo for Primera Division Peruana 2023

    Team Names & Badges

    PE Primera Division Peruana 2023

A Sullana - ADT - Ali. Lima - Atl. Grau - Binaciona - Cantolao - Cienciano - Comercio - Cusco - Garcilaso - Huancayo - Mannucci - Melgar - Municipal - S Cristal - Sp. Boys - UCV - Universit - UTC