CL Rangers

Fiscal de Talca, Talca, Maule

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Rangers Yellow and Red Cards in Chile Primera B 2014/2015

Sent off MinGame
CL Brito, R8210-Aug-14 Lota Schwager 1 - Rangers 1
CL Herrera, W5610-Aug-14 Lota Schwager 1 - Rangers 1
CL Cabion9417-Aug-14 Rangers 1 - Curicó Unido 1

Points convention: Red Cards 3 points, Yellow Cards 1 point
List generated automatically from posted lineups

DetailRed CardsYellow CardsPoints
CL Brito, R125
CL Cabion114
CL Herrera, W1-3
CO Santana, C-22
CL Saldaña, E-11
CL Romo-11
CL Catrileo, R-11
CL Gutiérrez, P-11
CL Díaz F, H-11
CL Albornoz, JJ-11
                       Totals     (League Totals)31120

    CL Primera B 2014/2015

Copiapó - Coquimbo - Curicó - D. Conce - Everton - Iberia - La Serena - Lota - Magallane - Rangers - S Morning - S. Felipe - San Luis - Temuco