CL Rangers

Fiscal de Talca, Talca, Maule

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My Line-upMan.City by OKUMU ROBERT
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Squad Changes between 02-Aug-08 and 18-Feb-09
The list is generated automatically. Please review player profiles if you notice something wrong or missing.

CL Gómez, AbrahamDF19 in 01-Jan-09
CL OrósteguiFW20 in 01-Jan-09
UY Pérez, MaximilianoFW21 in 01-Jan-09from UYDefensor Sporting
CL Lavandero, MFW21 in 01-Jan-09
CL Bustamante, CMF17 in 01-Jan-09
CL Espinoza, CMF25 in 01-Jan-09from CLDeportes Melipilla
CL Rojas, LMF17 in 01-Jan-09
CL de GregorioFW21 in 07-Jan-09from CLDeportes Melipilla
CL Mora, JLGK28 in 07-Jan-09from CLArturo Fernández Vial
CL MillapeMF32 in 07-Jan-09from CLProvincial Osorno
CL Núñez, JMF25 in 07-Jan-09from CLCuricó Unido
CL Pino, EMF22 in 07-Jan-09from CLDeportes Antofagasta
CL Carvallo, AFW18 in 16-Jan-09from CLDeportes Puerto Montt

CL Barra, RDF32 out 20-Dec-08to CLSantiago Wanderers
CL González, Esteban (1982)MF26 out 29-Dec-08to CLÑublense
CL OrozMF27 out 30-Dec-08to CLPalestino
AR CellerinoFW22 out 31-Dec-08to ITLivorno
AR Gutiérrez, EFW22 out 31-Dec-08to PTMaritimo
AR CavalloFW26 out 31-Dec-08to PECienciano
CL Sarabia, AFW30 out 31-Dec-08to CLPalestino
CL Pereira, RFW26 out 31-Dec-08to CLNaval
UY FerrandoGK29 out 31-Dec-08to UYCerro
CL Lucero, MMF28 out 31-Dec-08to CLProvincial Osorno

    CL Copa Chile 2008

AF Vial - Antofa - Audax - Ñublense - Barnechea - Bellavista - Cabildo - Cobreloa - Cobresal - Colchagua - Colo Colo - Copiapó - Coquimbo - Coyhaique - Curicó - Everton - Ferro - Huachipato - Iberia - Iquique - La Calera - La Serena - Linares - Lota - Magallane - Malleco - Mejillone - Melipilla - Naval - OHiggins - Ormazábal - Osorno - Ovalle - P. Arenas - P.Montt - Palestino - Pto Aysén - Quilpué - Rangers - S Morning - S. Felipe - S. Marcos - S.Wand - San Luis - Sta. Cruz - Talagante - Temuco - Tocopilla - Trasandin - U. Conce - U. Temuco - U.C. - U.Chile - Unión - Valdivia