CL Cobreloa

Zorros del Desierto, Calama, Antofagasta

Go to Tournament - Season




Last Visitors Ratings:
My Line-upChelsea by Bolaboy
My Line-upChelsea by David
My Line-upLiverpool by Isaac Israel
My Line-up
My Line-upMan.Utd by Yash

Sun Feb.02 - Copa Chile - Cobreloa vs Antofa - Your Prediction?

Scores, Results and Fixture of Cobreloa for Clausura 2007

    Team Names & Badges

    CL Clausura 2007

Antofa - Audax - Ñublense - Cobreloa - Cobresal - Colo Colo - Coquimbo - D. Conce - Everton - Huachipato - La Serena - Lota - Melipilla - OHiggins - P.Montt - Palestino - S.Wand - U. Conce - U.C. - U.Chile - Unión