IT Como

Giuseppe Sinigaglia, Como

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Como Analysis at Serie C 2019/2020

Players to watch
26 lineups analysed - Number represent player in starting lineup - Lineups not confirmed are not included.


IT Facchin (23)
IT Zanotti, L (3)

Right backs [ ?]

Centre backs [ ?]

IT Toninelli (22)
IT Bovolon (21)
IT Crescenzi, L (15)
IT Solini (12)
IT Sbardella (7)
IT Loreto, C (1)
Left backs [ ?]

Right midfielders

IT Iovine (18)
IT Peli, L (8)
Centre midfielders

IT Bellemo (26)
IT Marano (22)
NL H'Maidat (11)
IT Raggio Garibaldi (10)
IT Celeghin (8)
IT Gatto, M (1)
Left midfielders

IT De Nuzzo (16)
IT Loreto, C (8)
IT Iovine (2)

IT Gabrielloni (20)
IT Ganz, S (20)
IT Miracoli (12)
See also Injured/Banned players and Substitutions

Lineups found             Starting lineup changes since last game
    Coach Banchini since 29-Jul-18
M.125-Aug Per ttese2-03-5-2
M.201-Sep away Gozzano0-23-5-2 *** Repeat 11 ***
M.308-Sep Monza0-13-5-2In:R Garibaldi, Out:H'Maidat,
M.415-Sep away Renate2-13-5-2In:Crescenzi, Miracoli, Out:Bovolon, Ganz, S,
M.521-Sep away Pistoiese1-13-5-2In:H'Maidat, Ganz, S, Out:Marano, Miracoli,
M.625-Sep Arezzo0-03-5-2In:Bovolon, Gatto, Miracoli, Out:Crescenzi, H'Maidat, Gabr'ni,
M.729-Sep away Olbia1-13-5-2In:Marano, Celeghin, Gabr'ni, Out:R Garibaldi, Gatto, Ganz, S,
M.805-Oct Giana2-13-5-2In:Sbardella, H'Maidat, D Nuzzo, Ganz, S, Out:Solini, Celeghin, Loreto, Miracoli,
M.913-Oct away Alessandr1-13-5-2In:R Garibaldi, Miracoli, Out:Marano, Ganz, S,
M.1020-Oct Pontedera2-03-5-2In:Marano, Ganz, S, Out:R Garibaldi, Gabr'ni,
M.1123-Oct away Carrarese2-03-5-2In:Crescenzi, R Garibaldi, Gabr'ni, Out:Sbardella, H'Maidat, Ganz, S,
M.1227-Oct Lecco1-13-5-2In:Sbardella, Loreto, Ganz, S, Out:Bovolon, Toninelli, Gabr'ni,
M.1303-Nov Pro Patria0-03-5-2In:Bovolon, Toninelli, Solini, H'Maidat, Out:Sbardella, Crescenzi, Loreto, R Garibaldi,
M.1410-Nov away Novara2-13-5-2In:Gabr'ni, Out:Miracoli,
M.1517-Nov PVercelli1-33-5-2In:Crescenzi, Peli, L, Loreto, Miracoli, Out:Bovolon, Iovine, D Nuzzo, Gabr'ni,
M.1624-Nov away Pianese1-43-5-2In:Bovolon, R Garibaldi, D Nuzzo, Gabr'ni, Out:Solini, H'Maidat, Loreto, Miracoli,
M.1730-Nov Juve U231-13-5-2In:Sbardella, Iovine, Out:Toninelli, D Nuzzo,
M.1807-Dec away Siena1-03-5-2In:Solini, Miracoli, Out:Sbardella, Ganz, S,
M.1915-Dec Albinolef0-03-5-2In:Zanotti, Toninelli, Celeghin, D Nuzzo, Out:Facchin, Solini, Peli, L, R Garibaldi,
M.2112-Jan Gozzano3-23-5-2In:Solini, Ganz, S, Out:Bovolon, Gabr'ni,
M.2219-Jan away Monza1-13-5-2In:Bovolon, Peli, L, Gabr'ni, Out:Solini, Iovine, Miracoli,
M.2022-Jan away Per ttese0-03-5-2In:Facchin, Iovine, H'Maidat, Out:Zanotti, Peli, L, Celeghin,
M.2326-Jan Renate2-03-5-2In:Peli, L, Celeghin, Out:Iovine, Marano,
M.2402-Feb Pistoiese1-23-5-2In:Marano, Out:H'Maidat,
M.2509-Feb away Arezzo1-13-5-2In:Sbardella, Out:Toninelli,
M.2616-Feb Olbia0-13-5-2In:Toninelli, Iovine, Out:Crescenzi, Peli, L,
    Color References:     GK, DF, DM, MF, FW , Unknown Pos

    IT Serie C 2019/2020

Albinolef - Alessandr - Arezzo - Arzignano - Avellino - AZPicerno - Bari - Bisceglie - Carpi - Carrarese - Casertana - Catania - Catanzaro - Cavese - Cesena - Como - F.Salò - Fano - Fermana - Giana - Gozzano - Gubbio - Imolese - Juve U23 - Lecco - LRVicenza - Modena - Monopoli - Monza - Novara - Olbia - Padova - Paganese - Per ttese - Piacenza - Pianese - Pistoiese - Pontedera - Potenza - Pro Patria - PVercelli - Ravenna - Reggiana - Reggina - Renate - Rende - Rieti - Rimini - Samb - Siena - SLeonzio - Sudtirol - Teramo - Ternana - Triestina - V. Pesaro - V. Verona - V.Francav - Vibonese - Viterbese