AR Defensa y Justicia

Norberto Tito Tomaghello, Florencio Varela, Buenos Aires

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Defensa y Justicia



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playerYUBabić3.5 (4)
My Line-upMan.City by OKUMU ROBERT
My Line-upMan.Utd by Wakeel
My Line-upRangers by John Cameron
My Line-upR.Madrid by Winning xi

Mon Nov.11 - Primera División - Tigre vs Def y Jus - Your Prediction?

Defensa y Justicia Yellow and Red Cards in Copa Argentina 2019/2020

    AR Copa Argentina 2019/2020

Aldosivi - Arg.Jrs - Arsenal S - Atl. Tuc - B. Unidos - Banfield - Boca - C Cba SdE - Cañuelas - Chaco - Cipollett - Colón - D.Haig - Def y Jus - Def.Belg - Def.Pronu - Dock Sud - Estd R.IV - Estud. LP - Estud.SL - Godoy Cruz - Gsia. LP - HLH - Huracán - Indepte - Instituto - JJUrquiza - Laferrere - Lanús - Madryn - Newells - Patronato - PeñarolSJ - Platense - R.Central - Racing - Riestra - River - S. Carlos - S.Lorenzo - S.M. SJ - San Telmo - Sarmiento - Spor.Barr - Tall. Cba - Tall. RE - Temperley - Tigre - Unión - Vélez