UA Dnipro Dnipropetrovsk

Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk

Go to Tournament - Season

Dnipro Dnipropetrovsk



Last Visitors Ratings:
playerBRRaphinha3.6 (8)
refereeITCorletto5.0 (2)
match O. Caldas - Millos2.0 (1)
coachITBrocchi5.0 (5)
coachITBrocchi5.0 (5)

Dnipro Dnipropetrovsk Injured Players in Ukraine league 2011/2012

Tournament dates: 07-Jul-11 to 12-May-12

PosPlayer Days From To Injury / Ban
MF GH Boateng, D 6 25-Sep-11 01-Oct-11     4th yellow card ban (1 match)
MF GH Boateng, D 14 11-Mar-12 25-Mar-12     red card ban (2 matches)
DF UA Cheberyachko 8 11-Mar-12 19-Mar-12     4th yellow card ban (1 match)
DF UZ Denisov, V 2 29-Sep-11 01-Oct-11     red card ban (1 of 2)
DF UZ Denisov, V 2 15-Oct-11 17-Oct-11     red card ban (2 of 2)
DF UZ Denisov, V 2 18-Nov-11 20-Nov-11     4th yellow card ban (1 match)
DF UZ Denisov, V 60 01-Feb-12 01-Apr-12     ankle-guard
FW UA Homenyuk 8 25-Mar-12 02-Apr-12     4th yellow card ban (1 match)
DF GH Inkoom 6 31-Oct-11 06-Nov-11     2nd yellow card ban (1 match)
FW HR Kalinić 2 20-Aug-11 22-Aug-11     red card ban (1 match)
FW HR Kalinić 21 08-Oct-11 29-Oct-11     ankle-guard
FW HR Kalinić 6 28-Feb-12 05-Mar-12     unknown
FW HR Kalinić 5 10-Apr-12 15-Apr-12     4th yellow card ban (1 match)
FW HR Kalinić 27 03-May-12 30-May-12     anterior muscle of right leg
FW UA Konoplyanka 6 05-Mar-12 11-Mar-12     4th yellow card ban (1 match)
MF UA Kravchenko, Serhiy (1983) 14 29-Aug-11 12-Sep-11     4th yellow card ban (1 match)
MF UA Kravchenko, Serhiy (1983) 16 25-Mar-12 10-Apr-12     8th yellow card ban (2 matches)
DF UA Kulakov 194 03-Mar-12 13-Sep-12     cruciate ligament tear
MF UA Lyopa 7 26-Mar-12 02-Apr-12     4th yellow card ban (1 match)
DF UA Mandzyuk 6 25-Sep-11 01-Oct-11     2nd yellow card ban (1 match)
FW BR Matheus 29 14-Aug-11 12-Sep-11     hamstring
FW BR Matheus 6 25-Oct-11 31-Oct-11     hamstring
FW BR Matheus 9 06-Nov-11 15-Nov-11     hamstring
FW BR Matheus 7 25-Mar-12 01-Apr-12     4th yellow card ban (1 match)
FW BR Matheus 2 01-May-12 03-May-12     red card ban (1st match of 3)
FW BR Matheus 2 09-May-12 11-May-12     red card ban (2nd match of 3)
DF CZ Mazuch 110 01-Aug-11 19-Nov-11     Groin operation
FW UA Oliynyk 7 15-Apr-12 22-Apr-12     4th yellow card ban (1 match)
DF AZ Pashayev 235 27-Feb-11 20-Oct-11     knee
MF UA Rotan 14 29-Aug-11 12-Sep-11     thigh muscle tear
MF UA Rotan 2 23-Sep-11 25-Sep-11     4th yellow card ban (1 match)
MF UA Rotan 2 09-Dec-11 11-Dec-11     red card ban (1 of 4)
MF UA Rotan 2 03-Mar-12 05-Mar-12     red card ban (2 of 4)
MF UA Rotan 2 09-Mar-12 11-Mar-12     red card ban (3 of 4)
MF UA Rotan 2 17-Mar-12 19-Mar-12     red card ban (4 of 4)
DF UA Rusol 152 01-Aug-11 31-Dec-11     backbone
DF HR Strinić 9 28-Oct-11 06-Nov-11     unknown
DF HR Strinić 2 09-Dec-11 11-Dec-11     red card ban (1 of 3)
DF HR Strinić 2 03-Mar-12 05-Mar-12     red card ban (2 of 3)
DF HR Strinić 2 09-Mar-12 11-Mar-12     red card ban (3 of 3)
DF HR Strinić 7 15-Apr-12 22-Apr-12     2nd yellow card ban (1 match)
FW UA Zozulya 24 27-Oct-11 20-Nov-11     red card ban (3 matches)

To add / edit injuries go to the Player screen

    UA Ukraine Premier League 2011/2012

Arsenal K - Ch.Odesa - D.Kyiv - Dnipro - Karpaty - Kryvbas - Mariupol - Metalist - MetalurhD - Obolon - Oleksandr - Shakhtar - Tavriya - Volyn - Vorskla - Zorya