EC Emelec

George Capwell, Guayaquil

Go to Tournament - Season


El Bombillo


Last Visitors Ratings:
match Valladlid - A.Madrid3.0 (1)
My Line-upMan.City by Morakinyo blessing
My Line-upR.Madrid by Dylan
My Line-upMan.Utd by NASSER
My Line-up

Squad Changes between 20-Nov-20 and 20-Nov-21
The list is generated automatically. Please review player profiles if you notice something wrong or missing.

EC Montiel, DavorDF22 in 01-Jan-21
AR Sosa, LucaDF26 in 01-Jan-21loan from ECGuayaquil City FC
EC Hurtado, JoséDF28 in 01-Jan-21from ECMacará
EC Lastre, EFW21 in 01-Jan-21from ECRocafuerte FC
EC CabezaFW24 in 01-Jan-21loan from ECAucas
EC Ortiz, JordyGK17 in 01-Jan-21
EC Valencia, CristhianMF21 in 01-Jan-21from ECRocafuerte FC
EC Sánchez, BMF27 in 01-Jan-21from ECAucas
EC GraciaDF31 in 07-Jan-21from ECGuayaquil City FC
EC Orejuela, JMF28 in 19-Jan-21loan from ECBarcelona Sp

EC Hernández, José (1996)DF24 out 30-Dec-20loan to ECDelfín Sporting Club
VE Pernía, EFW26 out 30-Dec-20to CLDeportes Iquique
EC Ordóñez, RFW35 out 30-Dec-20to ECAucas
EC Pineda, XMF21 out 30-Dec-20to ECGuayaquil City FC
EC Burbano, RMF25 out 30-Dec-20loan to ECDelfín Sporting Club
EC Godoy, WMF27 out 30-Dec-20to ECOrense SC
EC Quintero, JoelDF22 out 31-Dec-20loan to ECOlmedo
EC Hurtado, JoséDF28 out 17-Mar-21to PEUniversidad de San Martín de Porres
EC Valencia, CristhianMF21 out 03-Apr-21loan to ECAtletico Santo Domingo
EC Cabezas, BryanFW23 out to TRKocaelispor

    conmebol Copa Sudamericana 2021

12Octubre - Acad. PC - América C - Antofa - Aragua - Arsenal S - At.-PR - Atl-GO - Aucas - Bahia - Bolivar - C.Largo - Cali - Ceará - Cobresal - Cor hians - Emelec - Equidad - Fénix - Grêmio - Guabirá - Guaireña - Guayaquil - Huachipato - Huancayo - IDV - Indepte - J.Wilsman - Junior - Lanús - Libertad - Liga - Macará - Mannucci - Melgar - Metros - Mineros - Mvd. City - N. Potosí - Nacional - Nacional - Newells - Palestino - Palmaflor - Pasto - Peñarol - R.Central - RB Braga - River - S Cristal - S.Lorenzo - Santos - Tall. Cba - Táchira - Tolima - UTC