BR Bahia

Arena Fonte Nova, Salvador, Bahia

Go to Tournament - Season



Last Visitors Ratings:
linesmanScotlandChristie5.0 (1)
playerUSEbobisse3.5 (2)
playerBECourtois4.0 (35)
playerEnglandBellingham3.9 (9)
My Line-upArsenal by Frank

Thu Mar.06 - Copa Libertadores - Boston UY vs BR Bahia - Your Prediction?

Bahia Injured Players in Brasileirao 2013

Tournament dates: 25-May-13 to 08-Dec-13

PosPlayer Days From To Injury / Ban

To add / edit injuries go to the Player screen

    BR Brasileirão 2013

At.-MG - At.-PR - Bahia - Botafogo - Cor hians - Coritiba - Criciúma - Cruzeiro - Flamengo - Fluminense - Goiás - Grêmio - Inter - Náutico - Por guesa - Pte Preta - Santos - São Paulo - Vasco - Vitória