CH FC Alle

Go to Tournament - Season


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refereeEnglandHooper1.2 (350)
coachNLde Jong, H3.0 (1)
coachESCalle5.0 (4)
coachESCalle5.0 (4)
coachESCalle5.0 (4)

Scores, Results and Fixture of FC Alle for Schweizer Cup 2008/2009

    CH Schweizer Cup 2008/2009

Aarau - Adingen - Alle - Amriswil - Basel - Bassersdf - Baulmes - Bavois - Bazenheid - Bellnzona - Biaschesi - Binningen - Brühl - Bulle - Chênois - Concordia - Echallens - EtCarouge - FC Biel - FC Locarn - Gossau - Grasshopp - Grenchen - Höngg - Ibach - Kreuzling - LaCdFonds - Lancy - Lausanne - Le Locle - Le Mont - Liestal - Lugano - Luzern - Malley - Oerlikon - Plaffeien - PlanOuate - Racing GE - SarrazEc - Saxon - Schaffhau - Schötz - Seefeld - Servette - Sion - St Gallen - St. Nyon - Sursee - Tavannes - Thalwil - Thun - Vallemagg - W Grenchn - Widnau - Wil - Windisch - Winterthr - Wohlen - Xamax - YB Bern - Yverdon - Zofingen - Zurich